Han Tian said solemnly: "Hey, Deputy Bureau, you injured the last time... maid, found it."

On the other end of the phone, there was an urgent voice: "Why don't you act rashly, don't provoke her when there are no two evil-levels present! Quickly notify the four-level special team members and let them all go to encircle and suppress them! Just in Tianfeng City, come back within half an hour! From now on, report the coordinates to me every ten minutes."

It could be seen that on the other side, Luo Ji, the deputy director of the Dayuan City Branch, was very nervous.

He is too aware of the weird methods of that ghost, and if he meets him again, he may not be able to get a good deal.

Not to mention these... The unreachable team members.

Almost can only be sent to death in a group! "Uh..."

Han Tian pondered for a while: "Captain, if my friend kills him, look at this two-level promotion..."

Luo Ji was stunned for a moment.


In his tone, he couldn't hide the shock.

"Don't fool me, you kid, that's very strange. You think that if you kill her, maybe your friend has already been possessed."

This is not Luo Ji's nonsense.

Facing things that came out of the restricted area before,

Some powerful people thought they would kill it, and they were killed by strange abilities.

"This, Captain, do you think that maid can make such a move?"

Han Tian sent a picture to the past.

This was filmed by the scouting duo.

That one.

Luo Ji opened his mouth wide when he saw this picture: "Fuck,!"

"Isn't this really bombed with dozens of missiles for two or three rounds?"

"What kind of blood mold did this maid have to get into this kind of steel and iron plate!"

the other side.

A player asked.

"Look, Director, is this the destruction that can be caused by humans? Did foreign forces invade the empire, bringing high-damage weapons and even installing missile systems?"

Luo Ji shook his head with heavy eyes, "No, there are people who can actually cause this kind of damage."

"Even when the Director and the others were fighting, it was more terrifying than this. That... level of combat power, we generally call it-humanoid nuclear weapons."

"Of course, this person is still far from this level. The reason for causing this kind of damage is more because of the particularity of his ability, which may be the most violent among the fire elements."

"Now I need you to put everything down and confirm one thing for me."

"Is this person controllable? Does he have a hobby of slaughter, what is his mentality, occupation, past experience, etc., whether he can keep calm, and whether he has mental inclinations such as mania. If you want to, you must not touch it, and you must not provoke it!! Repeat it again, you must not provoke it! Now that the director has been recruited to guard the ancient tomb of Longduo, no one in Dayuan City can suppress him, and all his contacts, investigations, Be open and fair, and must not let: He feel hostile!"

Hearing the director's words 0... Everyone's expressions became solemn.

They instantly remembered that although the maid has been solved now, this person who has the terrifying ability to solve the maid is probably another unstable factor.

However, a few of them, those who had access to Jiang Che's information, had strange expressions on their faces.

Han Tian scratched his head.

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it, this... Mr. Jiang, if he gets into a conspiracy, he will probably have more military exploits than any of us. In other words, he is the kind of... who can win the championship every month in the game. people."

Everyone was stunned.

Looking at the computer, Han Tian transferred the information.

"Huangchuan No. 4 Hospital, solved one evil, three half-step red-clothed lotus villas, rescued more than [-] students in the same group, killed three and a half-step red-clothed, nearly one hundred ghosts, Wronged Soul Railway Station, killed Two ghosts in Huangshan City, killed several sneaky ones on the road, and also killed a red-clothed ghost in Chenjia Village whose ability was terrifying and would cause widespread panic, rescued more than [-] villagers, and killed countless evil ghosts. , a living corpse, and even a resentful baby suspected of being an evil spirit who rescued the Ye family villa area, killed an old fox demon with blood pupils and a real demon level, and an old man who was suspected of being an evil spirit. Mountain all evil this time [-].

5. It completely destroyed Huangjia Village, which was full of living corpses, and also killed the super-high threat of evil spirits that escaped from the ancient tomb of Long Duan..."

Damn, some people who think they are jealous and hateful, and who are praised by everyone as wanting military exploits and not dying, are completely stunned when they see all this.

"Han Tian, ​​are you sure this is not a model member of some other branch"

"Nonsense, if there was such a model member in the bureau, his deeds would have been widely broadcast a hundred times in the range of capable people in the entire empire!!"

"As he calls himself, he is a zealous citizen."

"This is an enthusiastic citizen who handles more incidents than the professional department!!"

On the other side, Luo Ji, who got Jiang Che's current information.

He also opened his mouth in astonishment.

You are too pretty to persuade the police to calm down!!

Thanks 1835***** for the big 100vip tip! !Thanks!

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] can't be described as strong (please subscribe to the second update)

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