This was within his expectation.

This... old man is a real smart person, and he is also a person who likes to gamble. The Han family, who was in full swing back then, was... by this... old man, sentenced in one sentence, took out 30% of the assets, went to open up the relationship, and sent the family's children to go. After apprenticeship, at that time, the stock market of various companies in the Han family plummeted, almost going to close down, and the whole family was in bad mood.

But a year or two ago, strange events appeared one by one.

The Han family has completely turned around and become one of the best families in the entire Nanping Prefecture. …

the other side.

Jiang Che's house.

Bang Bang! Jiang Che opened the door: "Yo, Lao Han is here in person, have you thought about it, you can't buy fifteen elixir, you can't be deceived, and you can't be fooled."

"Mr. Jiang, I came here this time to inform you of an unfortunate event according to the order of the director."

Han Tian considered it for a while, and said, "The evil you killed is indeed from the Long Duan Ancient Tomb, a place listed as a forbidden area by the empire, but at the same time, she is just a servant girl, and now, her young lady , just rushed out of the restricted area some time ago!"

Zhao Nuojiangche narrowed his eyes: "What is the so-called restricted area?"

"The forbidden area is... The area that the imperial power cannot solve temporarily is called the forbidden area of ​​human beings. Once you step in, it will be difficult to survive. These places may be the gathering places of powerful evil spirits, or they may be hidden in themselves. Endless weirdness and mystery."

Han Tian replied.

"The evil spirits that come out of these places are often extremely mysterious and powerful, strange, and extremely cold-blooded. They regard human life as ants, such as the corpses that came out of the Long Duan Ancient Tomb, and they almost kill people when they see them. It seems that they can refine people into one. It is very beneficial to eat the corpse pill by yourself."


After listening to Han Tian's words.

Jiang Che asked a crucial question: "Is that... maid's young lady strong?"

Han Tian's body trembled.

"She can't be described as strong anymore."

"That's scary."

Chapter [-] Stealing Heart Specter (Subscribe ~ Third)

"Long Duan Ancient Tomb is guarded by two bureau chiefs, plus ten high-level experts, and six specially invited team members, all of whom have their own abilities and are no weaker than powerful men, and there are also more than one hundred bureau-level powerhouses. Together with the Foundation's Evil-suppressing Technology, more than a dozen Dao League powerhouses have set up a net of heaven and earth, and there are even two troops guarding the periphery, and even tanks, mortars, howitzers, missiles, and nuclear weapons are all aimed at this place."

"But in this case, that woman, Jiang Yunni, came out."

"Two evil-level powerhouses were easily beheaded by her. She got a Taoist powerhouse on her body. Taking advantage of the chaos, she seriously injured the Rongcheng sub-director and completely escaped from the Longduan Ancient Tomb. After that, she was in Wangshan Town. , Yanghe Village, Hongguang District, Guguan City, caused a bloody disaster, killed countless lives, and the lives of people under his hands exceeded [-]."

Han Tian was short of breath, and his face was full of grief and anger.

"It just takes human life as a must,,!"

"And now, this ghost is still there: somewhere in the empire, it is likely that every minute, she is killing innocent people, refining their corpses into corpses and eating them."

"And Mr. Jiang, what you bombarded and killed this time was the maid of such a terrifying devil."

"So with all due respect, you are very dangerous now."

After Jiang Che heard this, his eyes sank slightly.

According to his inference, the director should be an existence stronger than the evil level. Such people are seriously injured by this thing called Jiang Yunni, who came out of the ancient tomb. It can be seen that this is definitely not something that the level can handle. thing,.

"The next quality card extraction authority is imminent."

Jiang Che pondered for a while: "Since I'm in such danger now, come here, Lao Han."

Han Tian held a big black box from the moment he entered the door.

The material of the box is very special and extremely sturdy.

He sat up straight: "Mr. Jiang, my Han family wants to do business with you."


Jiang Che smiled playfully: "Do you do business with a dying person like me?"

"I don't shy away to say that anyone who knows about this matter thinks that Jiang Xian has a low chance of surviving. At that time, there was a high-level boss who guarded the ancient tomb of Longduo, and a servant girl accompanied by Jiang Yunni was sent for half a month. Later, on his way home after changing shifts, he was bombarded to pieces, and there were no bones left."

Han Tian chuckled lightly: "But I have a different idea."

he said.

A black key in hand.

Open the box.

The contents inside made Jiang Che's eyes shrink.

Thirty-five white jade boxes! "This is my Han family's savings of all the elixir, plus the elixir for the tricky situation, I hope it can help Mr. Jiang through the difficulties!"

Han Tian said.

"what do you want"

Jiang Che asked.

"One day in the future, my Han family can ask Mr. to take action, and I also want to befriend him."

"Don't be afraid of losing"

Jiang Che asked happily.

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