He didn't spit out a few words disdainfully like some brain-dead protagonists: mate.

Under the circumstance that the current elixir is too precious to be imagined, on the black market, a plant can sell for a maximum of [-] million, and thirty-five plants are given out in exchange for your favor.

This proves what proves that others look up to you and look up to you.

Jiang Che didn't understand why, there are some little white texts, the protagonist is going to forcibly offend those who... want to be friends with him, "My grandfather and I both wish Mr. Jiang to get through this difficult time!"

Han Tian got up, gave a salute, turned his head and left, without the slightest slack.

Jiang Che nodded secretly.

This Han Tian, ​​who seems rigid and stunned, is actually very knowledgeable about the world. He understands that at this time, when things are given, his attitude is in place.

"If the Han family has any problems in the future, you can call me, and I will take action three times."


After Han Tian left, Jiang Che's eyes sank slightly, and he began to swallow the spiritual medicines one by one.

Since others have said that this thing called Jiang Yunni, who walked out of the ancient tomb, is very terrifying, why didn't he be cautious and make more preparations to live, isn't it fragrant?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 200 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 150 energy."


"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 600 energy."


One after another, Jiang Che's energy began to soar.

Thirty-five herbs.

In the end, it brought him a total of 59 energy, as well as the enhancement of physique, qi and blood, strength, and soul. Although the special effects brought by each elixir are relatively subtle, in fact, they add up to a good effect. Jiang Che's current strength has directly broken through from [-] jin to [-] jin.

Glancing at the panel.

[Energy]: [Function]: Draw cards, strengthen, select [Exotic Beast Card]: Yuqiang Silver, Tengu White Board Zhenhuo "There's still the last three thousand seven, and the next quality card draw permission can be opened."

Jiang Che murmured something.

Immediately, he directly opened the spirit detection network.

After dealing with the incident in Huangjiacun today and talking to the Conspiracy Bureau, it was already evening, but with only a few thousand energy left to extract the next-quality cards, Jiang Che planned to add a night shift.

Otherwise, the thing that... walked out of the ancient tomb, if one day suddenly goes crazy, finds himself, and wants to avenge her little sister, it will be difficult to deal with.

In the end, Jiang Che locked himself in the case of a woman in red.

[The unfinished building on the outskirts of the city, the bloody red figure...] The incident is described in this way: In an unfinished building in the western suburbs, more than [-] homeless people died tragically, and a lunatic survived, chanting , Red clothes and red clothes Since then, many young people who ventured into unfinished buildings, children, and couples looking for excitement have also died mysteriously. The family members claimed that when they saw a woman in red clothes appearing outside their window, it seemed that she was caught by those. ...The souls of those who have entered this unfinished building and brought home will demand their lives.

The first people who died were only those who had entered the unfinished building. After that, their family members also died mysteriously, and even one of them was a capable person who was entangled to death. According to legend, this woman in red, looks Fierce, the people who were scared to death by her lost their hearts in the end, and some people called them: Heart-devouring Devil, Red-clothed Devil, Heart-stealing Devil.

Chapter [-] Save me~ (Please subscribe to the fourth update)

In the western suburbs of Dayuan, an unfinished building stands in the middle of an abandoned construction site, more than [-] meters away from the driveway next to it, and more than [-] meters in front of the Internet, there are several self-built buildings in the suburbs.

This unfinished building is said to be a project more than 9 years ago. At that time, construction companies were not as rich as they are now. One building was unfinished, and the loss was enough to make a company go bankrupt. The reason is that in half a month, the workers died nine [-]s, and no one wants to continue to build this building.

The boss tricked non-local people to continue work, but this time, more than a dozen non-local people all died in the building, the boss died at home, and the entire building was completely abandoned.

In front of the abandoned building at this time, the sun was slanting towards the west and the setting sun was blood red, illuminating the earth scarlet, especially this abandoned building, it seemed that the surface of the building was stained with blood, black, red, black and red.

The eight floors were completely empty, with windows and doors open.

Under the sunset, every window was pitch black, like the mouths of the abyss.

A breeze blows.

The half-person-height grass in front of the abandoned building rustled.

Night fell completely.

The setting sun pulled out a long shadow from the abandoned building, and even this shadow looked a little red, like a... a monster crawling.


There is a strange wind noise in the abandoned building...

Zheng Yaoyao and Zhang Qiwen are both students of Yuancheng Normal University. They are a young couple in their junior year. They tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time. They rented a house outside, but because the living expenses are not much, they can only rent in the suburbs of the western suburbs and live together. After more than a month, I gradually feel that my passion has receded. Tonight, I came to the strange unfinished building to find excitement and pursue romance.

"Ah! Yaoyao, I am willing to give my all for you!"

"I'm going to dig my heart out for you!"

"Let you see."

"It's red for you."

"Bounce for you--!"

Along the way, Zhang Qiwen improvised a love poem, which made Zheng Yaoyao's flower branches tremble, and in Hanchun's eyes, waves of light flowed.

The two entered the abandoned building.

Go to the second floor.

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