Zhang Qiwen immediately showed a wicked smile and told Zheng Yaoyao the legend about this abandoned building.

"According to rumors, there are probably more than a hundred people who have died in this building!"

He pointed to the corner of the stairs: "I don't see it here"

Zheng Yaoyao looked over, and at the corner of the stairs, the white walls were peeling off, and the ground was covered with dust.

"what's wrong here"

Zhang Qiwen chuckled: "It is said that there was a homeless man... who died here, his heart and soul were taken out, his eyes were staring, and he lay here and died!"


Zheng Yaoyao cooperated to make a shock.

He also grabbed Zhang Qiwen's arm, hugged him, and begged him for protection.

But in fact, she didn't panic too much. After all, she dared to come to an abandoned building at night. Both of them were staunch materialists. They believed that only those peasants who have never read books would believe , they only believe in science.

Going up another floor, the two went directly to the fourth floor, a house.

A wicked smile appeared on Zhang Qiwen's face.

He seemed to think that the atmosphere was not enough, so he pointed: "Yaoyao, do you know, there was a couple who were looking for excitement at that time, the girl just... died, her head was cut off, when the man went in to look for him , that head is still there: beating, he was directly frightened to death."

"Ah! It's scary! Brother Zhang's family"

Zheng Yaoyao cooperated extremely well, hugged Zhang Qiwen tightly, her face showed an extremely shy and scared look, and the body temperature of the two became hot.

Zhang Qiwen pressed Zheng Yaoyao to the corner.

"Yaoyao, I love you!"

The two were talking in love, and their eyes gradually blurred.

And this time.

Two beeps sounded.

interrupted them.


Zheng Yaoyao was stunned.

Zhang Qiwen listened to it twice and waved his hand: "It's okay, maybe the wind is blowing something."

"Yao Yao"

Instead, he stroked his girlfriend's cheek with one hand.

And this time.

The untimely sound of dong dong reappeared.


Zhang Qiwen got angry.

If it goes on like this, he will soften.

He turned his head, turned on his flashlight, and shone toward the empty room. There was nothing in the kitchen, nothing in the living room, and the door to the bedroom was open, but there was nothing in it, only the toilet he pointed to earlier seemed to be closed.

0 "I still don't believe it, the wind can blow into the toilet"

Zhang Qiwen rushed over in anger.

Open the toilet door.

In an instant, a chill came from the soles of his feet and hit the Tianling Gai. His whole body trembled uncontrollably, his calf cramps, his mouth opened wide, but he couldn't make any sound, as if someone had strangled his neck.

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong?"

Zheng Yaoyao walked over suspiciously.


Zhang Qiwen's throat seemed to be stuck by something, and his voice was extremely difficult.

"don't what"

Zheng Yaoyao walked over.

At this time of dong dong, that kind of... odd noise became more and more obvious...

"See what's ringing? It can't be a stray cat. People like kittens the most."

Zheng Yaoyao bypassed Zhang Qiwen in surprise and looked into the toilet door.


A shrill scream.

It spread all over the abandoned building.

And when night fell completely, a taxi stopped on the side of the road, and a young man walked down from it.

Jiang Che jumped off the driveway, walked across a wasteland, and walked towards the unfinished building.

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