Draw the gold card.

Jiang Che fell asleep.

With this trump card, he will no longer... worry about things running out of the so-called restricted area, if the other party really dares to come to him, he would like to ask, little girl, have you ever seen a man chasing the sun? The true god in charge of the North Sea? 10:[-] the next morning.

The jingle phone calls.

It's Lu Xiaoyuan.

"Hey, is it Jiang Da?"

The voice on the other side was a little anxious.

"What's wrong"

"Jiang Da, something big has happened! Last night, an astrologer and a fortune teller from the foundation jointly calculated that a catastrophe would occur in the south of Dayuan City, Shanguan District, and that is where our foundation is. It will be locked, this time the mission area."

"I'm afraid it's the things inside that are about to start to act. The teacher speculates that either the old vampire is going to hold a blood sacrifice ceremony, or those... cultists are doing something, or those weird researchers want to be demons. "

"These things all have a huge hidden threat. Last time, the Polar Bear Empire, a blood-sucking count, held a blood sacrifice and directly converted more than [-] people into vampires, and it was not the kind of... blood-sucking slaves, but could continue to The second generation of vampires who transformed into blood-sucking slaves, that time, spread from the small town. At first, thousands of people were bitten, then tens of thousands. When the people of the Polar Bear Empire Special Incident Management Bureau responded, there were already more than [-] blood-sucking people. Servant, we are attacking a second-tier city, but there are nearly a million people in that city, if it is broken, the Polar Bear Empire will suffer heavy casualties!!”

"Fortunately, the powerhouse of the Foundation and a powerhouse guarding the restricted area of ​​the Polar Bear Empire shot at the same time, and this disaster was restrained in time. Because of this incident, the second-in-command of the Polar Bear Empire was ousted, and all the high-level executives were shocked in a cold sweat! "

"So this time the seriousness of the incident has risen to the level of the empire. The Dayuan City branch also decided to cooperate with us and sent two specially invited team members, including more than a dozen high-level experts and more than [-] high-level team members."

"The plan has been brought forward tonight, can you come to Jiang Da?"

"And according to the detection of some members, the evil and weird things in that place are probably three times more than what we estimated before! There are also some extremely powerful breaths, which are very terrifying."

Jiang Che heard this.

His eyes lit up immediately.

Three times more evil spirits means three times more energy! He is currently lacking energy. After all, one hundred thousand energy is exhausted. With all the energy in Jiang Che's body, he can draw at most one bronze card. A comparison.

He immediately said domineeringly: "You just need to tell me the time and place. I, Jiang Che, fight in groups, and never ask how many people there are!"

Jiang Che's words made Lu Xiaoyuan suddenly feel that his blood was boiling and he was full of fighting spirit.

Chapter [-] This will be a war! (The third update ~ ask for full order!)

hang up the phone.

Jiang Che thought for a while, and began to draw the alien card.

In this wave of team battles, since the empire has dispatched two levels and more than ten levels, it means that there must be an equal, or even more powerful existence on the opposite side, otherwise the empire would not have invested so much.

It's a big city after all.

Every warrior above the rank is an important and important combat force. Almost every moment, they are carrying out tasks and dealing with evil incidents. The rank is even the backbone of the city.

Two people of this level were drawn at once.

It must be facing a major threat event! "Draw a bronze card."

With the roulette stopped.

A giant bull with muscles all over its body appeared in front of Jiang Che's eyes. The bull's head was white, with a single eye in front of its forehead.

Jiang Che nodded: "It's an evil beast, and its combat power should be very good."

Yu Bronze: Two hundred li to the east, it is called Taishan Mountain, on which there are many gold, jade, and pine trees.

There is a beast whose shape is like an ox with a white head, one eye and a snake's tail.

If you walk in water, you will be exhausted, if you walk in grass, you will die. If you see it, the world will be plagued. This is an evil beast that will bring disaster and death.

He is also very strong.

Finished eating steamed buns with soy milk at the breakfast stall.

An armored vehicle was parked here, and more than a dozen soldiers with live ammunition, special forces, were all imperial soldiers.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, we have been ordered to pick you up!"

The leader of the team gave Jiang Che a salute.

Jiang Che nodded in greeting.

The group quickly got into the car.

And the people in the whole breakfast shop suddenly exploded.

"Damn, I read that right, isn't that the Tianlong Special Forces? The recently hit "My Special Forces Career" is... adapted from the deeds of this special force!"

"This kind of army, come to pick up a young man"

"I bet fifty cents is a super criminal!"

"Bah! I think it's the son of a certain high-level executive, didn't you see others being polite?"

"But this kind of army is the foundation of the empire. What level of son-in-law can be worthy of this kind of lineup to pick up the first and second leaders of the state, and they don't have this kind of treatment themselves!"

The large crowd of enthusiastic people at the breakfast bar was arguing.

Obviously they are eating buns with a dollar.

But he is concerned with national affairs.

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