"It's all wrong, it's all wrong!"

Someone flipped through his mobile phone and suddenly stood up: "This must be a certain military or police bigwig, watch this video, Dayuancheng Railway Station, this bigwig dressed in civilian clothes and directed a group of police on the spot to deal with the sudden explosion. event!"

Many people looked at his phone.

In the video, Jiang Che carried his hands on his back, full of air, and patted a policeman on the shoulder, as if he was talking to them about some arrangements.

Everyone immediately confirmed it.

"That's right, this must be a high-level empire!"

"I'll be darling, this... big leader, isn't too young?"

"You can get into this position at such an age."

"This son's future is limitless!"

A large group of enthusiastic people drinking Wu Mao soy milk made a very high evaluation of Jiang Che. …

the other side.

On the outskirts of Dayuan City, a temporary military base, a regiment of troops, stationed here, mobilized countless heavy weapons.

Rows of soldiers patrolled around.

In a large open space in the center, armored vehicles came from time to time, and sent down one or several people in civilian clothes.

These people have their own characteristics.

Some people are holding wooden swords, some people are three meters tall, and their muscles are extremely violent, some people are hot, like a flame, and when some people show up, a hurricane blows up the whole venue... In short, everyone faces this kind of serious military patrol. , they all look relaxed, and even some people have unruly expressions on their faces. It can be seen that this large group of people in civilian clothes should not be simple. They are all in this gradually chaotic era. A person who is proud of the heavens.

In the end it was scattered.

A total of more than [-] people gathered.

The army commander on the outside had sweaty palms in his palms. Don't look at each of his subordinates being more savvy than each other. On the spot, if there were 200 of these [-] people, if they got angry, his regiment would be able to explain it here.

Suddenly a convoy stopped.

The captain breathed a sigh of relief.

In the convoy, a young man dressed in black came out, his expression was indifferent, his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of frost and mist, and he was covered in white. The voice stopped for a moment, and all looked at the black-clothed youth.

0 "How is he"

"This... is here too."

"This time, I'm afraid it's not easy, even this killing god has been dispatched!"

"Han Dao - Qi Yuan."

Qi Yuan, a young man in black, walked slowly to the crowd, stood up straight, and did not say a word.

At the scene, the original noisy voice.

Immediately it fell silent.

The atmosphere was a little dull.

At this time, another car stopped, and a strong man with bulging muscles walked down from it. He was conservatively three meters tall and carried an ice crystal coffin.

Most people don't feel anything special. …

And a small number of people all took a deep breath.


"This one is also out"

"Is Dayuan City facing a crisis that is enough to destroy the city?"

"The first person under the director - Fang Qian."

"This is Dayuan City, except for the director, the official top combat power."

The three-meter-strong Han Fangzhen walked out of the crowd and grinned: "My sister said, hello everyone."

"Hello, Sister Qian!"

"Hello, Sister Qian!"

Many people pointed at the crystal coffin and said respectfully.

Others don't know why.

It can be seen that only the above people understand how terrifying this person in the crystal coffin is.

The last five cars stopped, and a group of thirteen people walked out. The head was a woman wearing a priest's robe. She looked about thirty years old, with a very beautiful appearance, plus a faint charm, with a holy attire. There was also a figure that the priest's robe couldn't hide, which almost caused everyone present to swallow hard.

And Qi Yuan and Fang Zhen couldn't help but look at this... female pastor.

"Hello Senior Lu!"

Qi Yuan nodded slightly.

Fang Zhen also showed some respect: "My sister said, hello Aunt Lu."

"Little girls call me old"

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