Lu Yun chuckled lightly.

Then she walked in front of the crowd, her temperament changed, no longer the gentleness of training the younger generation just now, but a bit of a soldier's style, she said solemnly.

"Everyone, this will be a war of billions!"

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] Is it suitable for you to come to the investigation team? ? (Fourth update ~ ask for full order)

A sonorous and powerful voice reverberated all around.

Everyone looked solemn.

Lu Yun continued to speak.

"Among you, there are members of my foundation, as well as the pillars of the empire, the warriors who responded to the situation, and more, the capable people we invited through various channels this time, I am Lu Yun, the foundation resident. Director of Yuancheng, the ability of the comprehensive department, and the priest, I want to tell you very simply, this action, our people here will die a lot!"

"As for why you are still participating in this kind of action under this circumstance, I will give you two reasons."

"One, when the civilizations are extinct, the few remaining powerful individuals cannot survive very well."

"So as a powerful individual, we have a certain obligation to take action when the ethnic group faces a huge threat."

"On Da Yi, just mention this."

"Because I know very well that if you talk about righteousness when you let everyone go to work, you are playing hooligans!"

His clean words and sincere attitude immediately won the favor of many capable people.

"So the second reason is the point."

"Little Garden."

Lu Yun shouted to the truck behind her.

Lu Xiao 05 Yuan opened the trunk of the truck and instructed the staff of the Foundation to remove the large boxes one by one, and then opened them one by one. Everyone's pupils shrank rapidly, and their faces were full of shock.

In those...boxes, lay one after another of white jade boxes.

"Considering the danger of this incident, the Foundation added 10 more spiritual medicines to the [-] originally planned, for a total of [-] spiritual medicines."

"Kill two ordinary evil spirits, a spirit medicine!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone took a deep breath and their eyes lit up.

"Beheading a person with black clothes or black pupils, + threat-level evil spirits, an elixir."

"Collaborate to kill evil and different grades, according to the distribution of contributions, eight elixir!"

Hiss! At the scene, there was a sound of gasping for breath.

This price is way too high.

A person with ordinary abilities can get a few million with a reward of completion level, and a single elixir is at least [-] million on the black market, and there is no market for it. This kind of thing is often only controlled by the forces that control the rift. If it can be taken out in large quantities, people with ordinary abilities will probably never see a single plant in their lifetime.

There is a good saying.

When a businessman has a [-]% profit, he becomes active; when he obtains a [-]% profit, he takes risks; when he obtains a [-]% profit, he dares to trample all laws; [-]%% of the profits are at the risk of hanging their heads.

Now this benefit has exceeded ten times, that is, 100%.

Many capable people are breathing heavily. "In addition, these... The psionic technology researched by our foundation has a very strong lethality against evil, and it will also be used as a reward. Weak based distribution."

Lu Yun pointed at the other large boxes and continued.

"Also, in this operation, the fighters have the opportunity to enter the foundation, and also have the opportunity to obtain the foundation's strong, the opportunity to guide their own problems online, but this kind of opportunity"

With the emergence of abilities, many capable people also suffer a lot of pain and have major problems with their bodies.

For example, those with ice-type abilities tend to gradually lose their emotions, becoming: becoming less and less human, gradually losing human emotions.

It is definitely the dream of many able-bodied people to get the guidance of seniors with corresponding abilities.

With Lu Yun throwing out one after another of the big benefits, the eyes of the people in the entire venue were boiling, and they wished they would rush into the mission area now and kill them happily.

"And the location of this mission is."

Lu Yun paused for a moment, then continued, "Shanguan District, Jiangwan Town!"

Booming this sentence is like pouring a basin of cold water on the heads of the people who are burning with passion.

What a joke Jiangwan Town! That ghost place.

Who dares to enter "I quit!"

Those who are capable speak directly.

"Okay, you can leave."

Lu Yun nodded.

"I quit too!"

"I give up."

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