
Zhou Penghai smiled: "The routine of third-rate horror stories, here is my Dahualong Empire, a devil with a fart!"

Listen to this.

Guo Wu was a little dissatisfied: "Zhou Penghai, you are enough, you are kind enough to bring us to play, what are you pretending to be?"

"Haha, licking a dog can't be a good death!"

Zhou Penghai was not to be outdone.

Seeing that the two of them were somewhat at odds with each other.

Yang Guang stood up to smooth things out: "Forget it, don't say a word. Since everyone is here, let's go and see first."

"By the way, have you noticed that people on this street seem to be looking at us?"

hear him.

Several people were stunned.

"No, you're hallucinating."

Liang Yourong said with a smile.

"Let's go, let's go to the destination!"

She pointed a finger forward, revealing a beautiful curve, and suddenly the men stopped talking. If Liang Yourong could hug him and ask for protection when encountering terrifying things, it would all be worth it.

Several people passed through the crowd and continued on.

What they didn't find was that after they walked past the bustling crowd, the people behind them, no matter what they were doing, put down their movements and looked straight at their backs. The eyes are extremely penetrating.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they crossed a snack street.

There are many tables and benches on the street, and many people sit on them and eat.

The walnut, who had not spoken, twitched her nose: "You have Sister Rong, why do I think, these... skewers, it seems that they were not cooked very well, and they smelled bloody, so they were served, and some guests had no signs on the tickets. things, but still sitting there eating."

"I also think...Look at that person, the strawberry ice cream that he ate, and poured on top, was definitely not strawberry juice!"

Zhou Penghai frowned.

"It's normal, maybe it's... some special snacks."

Liang Yourong said: "Relax, you haven't arrived at the church yet, the truly terrifying things won't happen yet, according to that... the Great God said, in the church school, after twelve o'clock, all the students will turn into monsters. At 1:1 midnight, the thirteenth stairs will appear in the basement, leading to the mysterious underground laboratory..."

"And it's just a scary place. In the wax museum next to the school, all the mannequins are actually real people, sealed in plaster, and become the blood of vampires. When the moonlight hides in the clouds, you will hear They howled unwillingly, and the vampires would show their fangs and start eating!"

"The most terrifying thing about Zhao Nuo Zhao is the church itself. It is rumored that a bunch of cultists have gathered there, and they are holding a grand summoning ceremony to summon the evil god to come, bringing infinite terror. Kneeling outside the church and dying in fear!"

Liang Yourong spoke quietly about the responsibility.

A few people felt a chill down their spines when they heard it.

Both Yang Guang and Guo Wu swallowed, but in order not to lose face in front of the goddess, they resisted the urge to withdraw.

Only Zhou Penghai licked the corner of his lips, a little excited.

Hu Tao's body was trembling, but she had already gone so far, and if she went back alone, the night road would be even more terrifying, and she was not worried about Brother Yang Guang.

And what these people don't see is.

When they walked over, the faces of some people who passed by them immediately turned pale: bloodstains appeared on their bodies, and they silently followed behind them, but when Liang Yourong spoke about the church, the faces of these people changed. Lu was unwilling and quietly retreated...

Chapter [-] is wrong! (Second update ~ please subscribe)

Jiangwan Town, the church school, was shrouded in darkness at this time. The night fell, and the streets slowly darkened. People in the classroom swayed. When a few people walked outside the school, they just heard the bell for the end of get out of class. .

One after another, children walked out of the classroom, towards the dormitory, the cafeteria, and the playground.

Everything is normal.

Liang Yourong and several young people also felt a little emotional when they saw this. What a beautiful scene. After explaining to the guard and wanting to enter the school, the guard let them in enthusiastically, and closed the big iron gate again. lock it up.

Guo Wu wondered: "Don't these students have to go out? How to lock the door?

It's locked."

"Maybe it's a boarding school. It's a mix of primary and secondary schools. The education in foreign countries is very advanced. It's not comparable to our Hualong Empire."

Liang Yourong casually said a word.

"Go, go and see if those students have... turned into monsters!"

Zhou Penghai picked up the camera and looked very excited.

Several people stopped on some crowded roads.

Zhou Penghai took a few photos.

Immediately, it was a little dull: "Isn't this a group of normal students?"

Liang Yourong was also a little embarrassed: "Or, go to the storage basement as the great god said."

Several people walked towards a certain teaching building.

But no one noticed.

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