When they left, one person was missing.

At this time, Guo Wu was walking towards a little girl about ten years old who was squatting beside the flower bed and crying.

"Little boy, what's wrong with you? Did someone bully you?"

"Woooo teacher is dead"

"Ah, did your teacher die?"

"Well, the teacher also criticized me in the afternoon. I know she was doing it for me, but then she died."

The little girl's voice was a little weird, it sounded a little leaky, and it seemed that her mouth was wide open, but Guo Wu didn't notice anything unusual.

"Oh, don't worry, such a good teacher, she must have gone to heaven."

Guo Wu squatted down, touched the little girl's head and comforted.

And the other side.

Several people were walking.

Zhou Penghai also looked at the photos just now. He had to say that although there were no supernatural incidents, the scenery of the campus was still very good. There were a few photos, and he was very satisfied.

Suddenly, when he turned to a photo, his pupils shrank.

"Wait...., come and see!"

Several people gathered around.

"What's so beautiful about this, isn't it just a little girl playing games."

In the photo, a little girl, sticking her head out, seems to be looking for something in the flower bed.

Everyone thought that she might be looking for small insects, or flowers and plants.

"No, look at the flower beds, behind those flowers and grass, there are colorful ones, that's not a flower!"

The more Zhou Penghai looked, the more shocked he became.

A few people were stunned and reacted.

"It seems a bit like... clothes"

"It's a man lying down!"

Hu Tao affirmed: "Look at that end, it's her feet."

Several people were immediately startled.

"Shouldn't it be..."

"This little girl is looking for a corpse"


the other side.

Guo Wu sat on the flower bed: "By the way, what did you just look for here,"

He wanted to ease the atmosphere and enlighten the little girl.

A gloomy voice sounded: "I'm not looking for it."

"Not looking for something"

Guo Wu was taken aback.

"I'm hiding something."

"What are you hiding, let my brother see..."

Guo Wu was interested, turned his head and looked towards the flower bed.

In an instant, his body froze fiercely, and a chill invaded his entire body.

In the flower bed, there was a bloody corpse, wearing a printed plaid skirt, lying behind the flowers, the corpse's heart was torn open by something, there were tooth marks on it, and the neck was also bitten by a few beasts, extremely hideous and terrifying.

Guo Wu's whole body stood upright with cold hair.


He took a deep breath and tried to call for help, but there was no sound coming out of his throat.

"The teacher finally died. I hid her so that other classmates would not find her. I could eat for several days."

The little girl's innocent voice sounded, she twisted her body, and a hideous face with a mouth split to the bottom of her ears appeared in front of Guo Wu.

There was still blood dripping from the teeth.


A terrified scream appeared in the campus.

the other side.

Several people looked solemn.

In the end, Liang Yourong shouted: "I think this may be a haunted house marketing plan that simulates a real scene. There are more than [-] replies to that post, and I'm afraid they are all swiped. What's going on? Go to the basement to see if you can. just know"

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