Several people thought about it and nodded silently.

No one wants to be the first to show their timidity.

Besides, it's hard to say whether it was a plastic mannequin or a real person.

Several people entered the teaching building. At this time, the students had finished walking. They went down the stairs directly to the basement. It was full of sundries, and there seemed to be some chemical experimental equipment. There was also a pure white one with his head turned to one side. Head man statue.

"Didn't you say, that... the Great God said that the head of this statue will be twisted, first compare the photos to see its angle."

Zhou Penghai shouted.

Liang Yourong took out the photo.

As a result, everyone looked at each other.

While relieved, there is also some disappointment.

"Isn't it the same angle?"

Zhou Peng put down the camera and walked to the sink: "I'm going to see if the water in the sink has... turned blood red."

The rest of the people followed what the post said and went their separate ways.

Several people rummaged through.

The portraits on the walls were normal, and the water was normal. They couldn't help being disappointed, but also relieved.

"It turned out to be just a sensational rumor."

Yang Guang sighed: "Let's go, go to the wax museum next to the school."

And just went out.

Zhou Penghai suddenly remembered that he hadn't brought his camera.

"You go over first, and I'll go get the camera."

"it is good."

In the end, there were only Liang Yourong, Yang Guang, and Hu Tao.

But they didn't seem to find anything unusual.

"Peach, go buy me a bottle of water."

Yang Guang and Liang Yourong looked at each other and shouted suddenly.


Walnut walked to a small shop not far away.

After she left, the two looked at each other, suddenly held their hands, and continued to move forward affectionately.

The two have been in a relationship for a long time, but it is not easy to make it public, after all, it hurts the friendship between them too much.

And the other side.

Walnut came to the commissary, the owner was a woman holding her head, her head drooping forward, as if it would fall off at any time.

Looking at the bright red juice-like thing handed over by the other party, Walnut frowned: "I don't want a drink, just mineral water."

"only this!"

The old lady said coldly.

Hu Tao was a little angry, but thinking about the male god asking him to buy water, he had to hold back his breath, and wanted to leave after dropping ten dollars.

"Wait...Little girl, you haven't paid the bill yet"

The lady's faint voice sounded.

"Ten dollars is not enough, you are a black shop, right?"

The sullen voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the walnut who turned around, and a stench hit her face.

"Who wants your money"


the other side.

The two are about to walk in front of the wax museum.

Yang Guang suddenly stopped, he seemed to have thought of something.

"No, it's okay, show me that photo again, the direction of the photo will change with the different shooting equipment and the transmission process, and I vaguely remember that if I judge it according to the reference, that... horse head, Seems like a real change of location!"

Chapter [-] We will lead the charge! (The third update ~ please subscribe!)

On the other side, the underground storage room.

Zhou Penghai picked up the camera, suddenly a little puzzled, he carefully looked around the horse head statue for a few minutes.

"Did you go this way just now?"

He touched the statue, made a few gestures, and found that he couldn't remember the previous direction, and his hands seemed to be stained with some sticky things.

Zhou Penghai also felt a little panicked, so he stopped thinking about it, turned his head, walked towards the sink, and left immediately after going to wash his hands.

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