
All soldiers salute and bow.

What should have been done by them, the burden of defending the people, was entrusted to these people... The youngest 14 and the oldest 76 years old make these soldiers feel very uncomfortable.

"Everyone has worked hard. At the end of this mission, my foundation will support your group with ten genetic medicines and one hundred sets of psionic firearms equipment. This time, your group will also be damaged. Please prepare yourself mentally."

Lu Yun nodded.

Without saying a word, she led the team, a total of 171 capable people, more than [-] well-trained ordinary people with psionic technology and mysterious items, to step into the area of ​​Jiangwan Town.

The capable personnel must be stationed further ahead to prevent the possible evil riots caused by the reconnaissance team entering.

0 In the end, they were stationed in a wasteland, with the forest in front as a cover, about two kilometers away from Jiangwan Town.

"Jiang Che, it's eleven o'clock at night. According to the foundation's strong speculation, after twelve o'clock, this town will trigger some terrible things, but it is also at this time to start a battle to completely solve the threat inside. What your investigation team needs to do is..., before one point, bring out the distribution map of all the evil spirits in it, mainly the evil evil spirits above +, and a lot of ordinary evil evil spirits, just mark them slightly."

"You don't have to fight against evil spirits, but you can also gain battle merits and elixir. For every ten rank evil spirits marked, you can get one spirit medicine, and one rank evil spirit is also a spirit medicine, as well as the corresponding battle merits of the empire. ."

"Do you understand your mission?"


Lu Yun arranged.

Jiang Che nodded, his expression was extremely serious and serious: "Our investigation team will take the lead in charging and guarantee the completion of the mission!"

Seeing the aura of his speech, his serious attitude, and his decisive aura, the strong men of the sharp knife group and the strong attack group all nodded, thinking that this person must be very reliable.

And only the capable people of the investigation team twitched the corners of their mouths, and many people hesitated to speak.

They want to talk.

Senior Lu! Hurry up and save us.

The charge that our team leader said is really a real charge!! In the end, in order to unite the team and not be hammered to death, the salted fish of the investigation team could only turn back three steps, led by Jiang Che, toward the In the darkness of the night, he rushed, and Jiang Che rushed so fast that many people had to exert all their strength to barely see his back.


All the capable people couldn't help but nodded their heads.

"I didn't expect that this... Brother Jiang, when the national disaster was at the head, actually had such a righteous and awe-inspiring bearing. It's a good sentence to take the lead in charging, and he has momentum!"

"Yeah, I used to think that people with speed and function are the most salted fish. I didn't expect that there are people like Brother Jiang, who rush ahead in tasks and sacrifice themselves for others. It really makes me ashamed."

"I, Qi Yuan, made this friend!"

Even the always-cold boss Qi Yuan couldn't help but praise him.

Jiang Che's attitude just now... he was desperate, eager to charge, eager to rush into Jiangwan Town to complete the investigation mission, which made him admire and respect him very much.

Wow! Thanks for the big 100 tip, you are too expensive!

Wow!Many thanks to dygfh for the [-] VIP reward!Too expensive!

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] Anger Hammers Hundreds of Fighters! (Fourth update ~ please subscribe!)

Arriving at the edge of Jiangwan Town, looking inside, at eleven o'clock at night, the scene was still brightly lit, the figures were shaking, and there was a layer of strange mist, Jiang Che slowly stopped.

"This place is not easy, just follow me closely, don't waver."

He spoke slowly.

However, no one responded, and after a long time, there was a sound of someone breathing heavily.


Yu Chengfengyi's resentment: "Brother Jiang, you are too fast, the brothers didn't follow."

Jiang Che was taken aback.

Looking back, many people are still there: running crazy halfway.

I have to say that although the Fengshen boots cost thousands of white flowers, the speed is really fast. Jiang Che's current basic physical strength is actually equivalent to a first-class body strengthening ability person, but he wears it. This pair of shoes, running all the way, was stunned to leave a bunch of +, the speed of the power liners behind, abruptly far behind.

Waited another two seconds.

The people of the investigation team are fully assembled.

These people looked at Jiang Che's terrifying speed, almost one by one, their eyes were turning into sour lemons.

"Boss' speed, sigh, it always makes me feel like I'm in vain for speed!"

"what's this"

Someone waved his hand: "No, no, I'm still alive"

"But so."

Someone turned his head and waved his hand: "I'm not envious at all!"


"Everyone, listen carefully, I'm afraid it's very dangerous here, follow me later, don't waver!"

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