Jiang Che made guidelines.

All eyes are bright.

He almost wanted to applaud Jiang Che.

Listen! This is so good to be careful not to wave! This is the action dogma of our investigation team!! It turns out that the leader of the team said what you said before... What, crush them, take the lead in charging, such words are all It's scaring us, so that we can maintain a vigilant heart. That's how it is, love love! Everyone instantly saw through Jiang Che's painstaking efforts.

Then a group of people quietly walked into the town. There seemed to be nothing wrong with the bustling crowd on the street, but some people with keen perception could still feel that everyone on the street was staring vaguely at their group.

At this time, Yu Chengfeng whispered in Jiang Che's ear, "Brother, these people are very wrong, I can't hear their heartbeat."

He is a wind-type capable person, and he is also very sensitive to voices.

However, Yu Chengfeng just finished speaking.

It's just... stunned: "Where's Brother Jiang?"

A companion patted him: "The team leader is over there."

Following the direction pointed by his companion, Yu Chengfeng turned his head.

He saw Jiang Che holding a hammer, walking towards a person aggressively, shouting: "What are you looking at!"

The man was a burly man with a few tattoos beside him.

The other party was not to be outdone: "Look at you!"

"Try another look!"

Jiang Che passed each other.

"Just try it!"

The burly man sneered.

Bang!! The sledgehammer fell, and the big man became a pile of minced meat.

The ghosts around were stunned.

What the fuck! This is so special... If you try it, you will die!! And the people of the investigation team are even more 'fuck,' on their faces.

It was said that it was extremely dangerous inside, and the moment the big man was hammered out, the whole street seemed to recover completely, and gloomy winds whistled, all the people who seemed to be normal, instantly turned hideous and their skin exploded. Open, there are broken states on the body, some people's hearts have been gnawed, some people are missing a piece of neck, some people are covered in blood, all of them are all, looking at this team coldly, more than ten. a living person.

All the walking corpses licked the corners of their mouths.

"Alive again"

"Come on, join us!"

"Be our food! And then, be one of us."

The faces of the investigation team sank.

A walking corpse rushed out and rushed towards a young man wearing a baseball cap. The young man threw a punch, which only made the walking corpse tremble, and his body continued to pounce, seeing that the young man was about to be torn apart with one claws. 's chest.

Bang!! A sledgehammer hit, and the walking corpse was smashed into a pile of minced meat.

The young man saw that it was Jiang Che.

A fiery amulet was passed into the hands of the young man, causing a layer of fire to rise from the young man's body, and the walking corpse suddenly avoided him like a snake and scorpion, and no longer dared to approach.

The young man was moved to tears: "Team leader..."

"I lent you this thing and will pay it back later."

Jiang Che's words made the other party feel stillborn.

After that, Jiang Che took out each amulet, which he used to strengthen several times with the last few hundred energy left, and used it temporarily for the team members.

Of course, not all investigation teams have no combat effectiveness.

For example, Yu Chengfeng, at this time, surrounded by a terrifying hurricane, he directly stopped many walking corpses, and also tore and crushed some of the walking corpses. The combat effectiveness is very good, but compared to the ghosts of an entire street Things, it seems a little trivial.

Moreover, his ability consumes very quickly and can only last for a few minutes.

"Team leader, now let's rush out together, I'll use my ability to break through a way later!"

Yu Chengfeng shouted.

He understood that now was not the time to blame Jiang Che, but to find a way to survive first.

"Do not."

Jiang Che raised the hammer in his hand: "You all go up to the tall buildings and hide!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the hammer in his hand, 07, suddenly shone with a violent flame, and instantly enlarged, becoming a giant hammer with a length of nine meters and a diameter of three meters. All the members of the investigation team stared.

What the hell, what is this? Did you hire a separate special effects artist! You even made a special effect of a fantasy movie for you in the supernatural world. "Quick, rush to that building and follow me!!"

Yu Chengfeng was about to split.

What he is most afraid of now is not the walking corpse, but the aftermath of Jiang Che's hammer blow to death.

Wait for the group to reach halfway.

Suddenly a terrifying roar was heard.

The high-rise building where they were all trembled.

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