Yu Chengfeng, who was the first to rush to the top of the building, looked down and was completely dumbfounded.

The rest rushed up to watch.

In an instant, Sixteen's face was stunned.

Sixteen people, lined up neatly on the roof, just like a group of two fools, watching the scene on the street, they sighed: "Damn,!"

"This Nima's......is exorcising ghosts"

"I don't know if I thought that this was Emperor Dou dismounting, and the rage hammered hundreds of Doudou!"

"I don't dare to dare again in the future... Tell the Dou Di strong to dismount, and the battle is over!"

"The top of the hammer, proud of the sky, only with me Jiang Che, the team leader is awesome!!"


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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] The crushing of IQ (the fifth update, this chapter is super cool, please subscribe!)

The salted fish of the investigation team were almost going to be shocked and dumbfounded.

I saw a reckless man in the middle of the street, carrying a giant hammer that was nine meters long and bigger than a wardrobe. Crimson flames blazed all over his body. The sledgehammer rose up with blazing white divine flames. He descended into a deep pit, and the walking corpses in it all died without even a single scream.

And a terrifying heat wave, mixed with a vast yang qi, spread out.

With a radius of twenty or thirty meters, the weaker walking corpse was directly burned and turned into a pile of fly ash.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 25 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 50 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 16 energy."


After the two hammers, all the walking corpses who had rushed over with ferocity changed their expressions, hurriedly stopped, and looked in horror at the man in front of him... the man with the sledgehammer.

Holy crap! The current Taoist priest.

Are you so fierce? Your peach wood sword? The cross? The black donkey's hoof and sticky rice? Come and deal with us! Why don't you be so heartless! Just take out the [-]-meter-long sledgehammer that is still on fire!! You do it like this , Let's make it difficult! For a time, the atmosphere of the whole street became: extremely anxious and dull.

On the one hand, in the face of this reckless 063 man who used the sledgehammer, even the walking corpses who have been dead for a long time also felt sincere fear, saying that they are not afraid, it is false, they did not see others slam down, three or five. Ten companions, not even scum left, but on the other hand.

They were afraid again, and the existence deep in Jiangwan Town became furious, so they did not dare to escape.


A terrifying roar suddenly came from the end of the street.

Boom, the whole street is shaking.

One is brown and blue, with all four limbs on the ground. It can be vaguely seen as a human shape, but its body is six or seven times that of an ordinary person. It is long, and a monster three meters high can walk on its stomach and walk out.

Like a monster, it left huge footprints wherever it walked.

Everyone in the investigation team stopped breathing and looked solemn.

"What kind of monster is this, just roaring, I feel blood surging."

"This Nima, at least there must be a +threat."

"Never seen, just like a monster."

At this time, Yu Chengfeng said solemnly, "The licker!"

"Deputy leader, you know this thing"

Many people were immediately amazed.

"Deputy team, you are too erudite, it's amazing!"


Yu Chengfeng nodded thoughtfully: "Low-key, I also watched it in the movie."

Everyone: At this time, all the walking corpses gave way, and the huge monster sprinted towards Jiang Che with a loud 'dong dong dong'.

All the walking corpses cast towards it - the eyes of the village's ray of hope.

"Come on! Fuck him!"

"You're the best!"

"Kill this terrifying human being and avenge the dead comrade!"

"Wuwuwu, we are so miserable, we are here to avenge us"


Many walking corpses couldn't even hold back, and cried out loudly.

Hearing the members of the investigative team on the rooftop, they looked at each other and wondered, what are these things just now that scared us to the core, you are evil! Can you be a little imposing! Why are you being oppressed and humiliated? feeling and then.

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