"Open the door and check the water meter!"

"We are property management, and we received reports from users..."

"If you don't open the door, it will be smashed!"

And 'bang bang bang' hammer stuff, the ultimate.

When Jiang Che led the investigation team out.

These... the functional team members of the original Salted Fish.

They are completely refreshed, reborn, and their eyes are like hungry wolves. At some point in their hands, they carried some things such as kitchen knives, stool legs, and even anti-axes, and glanced fiercely. A tall building.

"Boss, you said, which brothers will you do next to guarantee your strength!"

"Rush rush!"

"These... evil ghosts are nothing more than a few, the old man can kill dozens of them by himself!"


Under the leadership of Jiang Che.

In their eyes, the so-called grievances, the ghosts, have become: insignificant, and everyone has risen with infinite self-confidence, quite a kind of momentum that requires a group to single out the entire Jiangwan Town.

see this scene.

Jiang Che also smiled happily.

"Alright, alright! Continue to work, just next to this building, I'll knock on the door with a hammer later, let's just rush in... Do, no nonsense, swarm up, facing that ghost is... Random hammer , Let it be dazed first, and then, this exorcism, the emphasis is on ferocity!!"


Everyone was very excited.

When Jiang Che was eating meat just now, he didn't forget to let everyone drink soup, and led them to gang fights of ghosts from house to house.

This made the investigators feel confident.

Only Yu Chengfeng had a bitter face.

"Brother Jiang, we are the investigation team! The investigation team!"

He felt like he was going crazy.

It's really a group of salted fish from the investigation team, and Yu Chengfeng couldn't believe it. What terrifying things would happen if some terrifying beings in Jiangwan Town were angered.

"Chengfeng, hurry up and follow, the next family will let you kick the door first!"

Jiang Che shouted.

Yu Chengfeng's face immediately brightened.

"Okay brother, here I come!"

Then he took a chainsaw that he didn't know where he found it, and chased after him.

"Brother, don't lie to me, kicking the door is too much. After everyone has recorded it for me, I want to pronounce Douyin!


the other side.

behind the woods.

A group of the main players this time, the sharp-knife group composed of fierce people with fierce breath and powerful single-player combat ability, each with their own characteristics, cooperated together to form a powerful and invincible assault group.

There are also three terrifying bigwigs with thick aura, like an abyss.

There was anxiety and worry on his face.

"My sister said, I can feel that there is a battle with terrifying energy in Jiangwan Town. I don't know how the comrades of the investigation team are doing."

Fang Zhen suddenly said.

Even Qi Yuan, who has always been cold, frowned: "Did they encounter a crisis or should they be rescued in time?"

Despite the turbulent times.

Within the human race, it is still very united, and there is no such thing as..., the strong, ignoring the life of the weak.

Lu Yun shook her head with a sullen face: "I joined the international mercenary army at a very young age and participated in several peaceful wars. In a war, the necessary sacrifices are inevitable, and only my companions risked their lives to complete them. The task of the whole team, the casualties of the entire team can be reduced to a minimum, and I understand you, you are just a group of ordinary people, after all, you are worried about the safety of your comrades. , Stand by with peace of mind!"

Jiang Che has read many aura and revival novels.

It is written in it that when the world comes, once the power is awakened, it will immediately become: high above, ignoring everything, in fact, this is nonsense, everyone is ordinary people, unless they have special status, such as mercenaries who have participated in wars, criminals Wait, apart from these..., even if ordinary people have awakened to a powerful force, they still hold the original mentality and respect every life.

Of course, with the increase in the number of battles they have experienced, their mentality will gradually change.


The ruthless man of the sharp knife group slapped his knees: "If something happens to the brothers, I will crush them later... Damn specter! Avenge them!"

And accompanied by the roar of Jiangwan Town.

Many capable people on standby in the woods are very worried about the situation of the investigation team. After all, they are a group of salted fish with a combat power of 5. If they encounter a powerful evil, I am afraid they can only fight.

And the other side.

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