The investigation team that everyone is worried about is kicking open the door of a merchant, ignoring those... The heads, bloody limbs and other things hung on the closet, placed in the counter, and one with a face full of flesh, Bloody butcher with kitchen knife in hand.

Yu Chengfeng shouted arrogantly.

"Be so honest! Charge protection fees!"

Wow!Thanks for the last Wu Da 588vip reward! !Sprinkle flowers~

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Wow!Thank you very much for the 300vip reward from the dark night net boss! !Spend the flowers~

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] One Hammer Superman (Third Update~Subscribe)

"What did you say!"

A thunderous sound resounded.

It was sitting in the center of the store, with the most terrifying body, a butcher demon covered in blood, about two meters four or five, tall, and large, sitting there like a car.

Butcher Demon hunts sneaky, walking corpses, humans, even in this whole street, it is the existence at the top of the evil chain.

Every Butcher Demon here is at least a threat level.

And this huge butcher king.

It is a proper level of prestige, with a pair of eyes, red and blood-stained.

It stared at Yu Chengfeng, very curious, how this weak human dared to say such a thing.

"Are you sure, you came to me to collect protection fees"

"You can clearly see the goods on this!"

Butcher Wang Manhan threatened.

Among the goods, there are dismembered people, walking corpses, and even evil spirits that have been sealed up, all of which highlight the cruelty and terrifying of the butcher demon.

Who knew that Yu Chengfeng didn't want to talk to it, he rang the chainsaw and stared at it: "Why don't you want to pay the protection fee? I don't know that this street is the brother of our Jiang Gejia. Moe, fuck him!!"

Then a group of speed-type capable people is like a group of hungry wolves.

In a lightning-quick manner, carrying a bunch of sticks, he rushed up to the butcher king... . . . . . . There are bricks, like a group of gangsters fighting, desperately greeting the butcher king.

A group of butchers wanted to help.

But what's so special... This group is too fast to react at all! The butcher king seemed to want to resist, and his huge body burst out with powerful strength, but before he raised his hand, he realized that his own The body, for a while... stiff, cold for a while, and even feel the fear that directly penetrates the depths of the soul.

Benefit from this.

Jiang Che spent a small amount of 200 energy to strengthen each of these to +1... The club, the machete, and the fire axe.

Baseball bat +1: bang bang bang!! -- sluggish: there is a chance to make the enemy sluggish.

Fire Axe +1: Necessary for killing zombies - Fear and fear: a small probability to make the opponent panic.

Move bricks +1: Bricks overcome martial arts - cold and dizzy: a small probability that the opponent will be afraid... These abilities are triggered according to the strength levels of both parties.

And just right, a group of salted fish of the functional system, nothing else, the ability level is not bad.

So even in the face of the butcher king, these...effects can still be triggered, and they are triggered frequently. It is directly that Lingde, the powerful butcher king, was beaten by this group of people who could chop down with a kitchen knife. He was beaten and screamed, his face was stiff and blue, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

After a frenzy.

Yu Chengfeng said proudly to the butcher king: "Why are you buzzing, you can't react!"

The team members were also frequently emotional.

"It turns out that the way of exorcising ghosts taught by the boss is the orthodox!"

"That's right, go up and do it all first, then beat it up and then talk about it!"

"It's so hot! It turns out that our functional system can also have spring."

"It's over, the old man is even now: killing dozens of ghosts alone!"

A group of investigators.

All are extremely arrogant.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che, who was standing outside the store, smiled gratified.

"Not bad, you have already fully paid for the protection."

"Pig head..."

Jiang Che counted, and said with a wicked smile, "Seven sevens!"

The Butcher King's expression changed drastically.

This is to annihilate them, it is completely angry, violent demonic energy bursts out, the muscles swell up twice, and the veins on the body are exposed.

The team members were startled.

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