The current aura of the Butcher Demon is too terrifying.

They hurriedly backed away.

Jiang Che's eyes also flickered: "That's right, old iron, so you can be violent too."

The Butcher King didn't say a word, he picked up the big kitchen knife next to him, his face was blue, and he rushed towards Jiang Che. The speed was even higher than that of some very powerful old red-clothed ghosts, and it was not inferior at all. It's a very strange thing, it can burn the magic energy and burst out. In this state, the Butcher King can only last for a minute or two, so it slams the knife wildly to quickly deal with the opponent.

This knife.

Cut through the air, making a 'hissing' sound.

Very scary! Everyone's expressions changed.

Yu Chengfeng reminded: "Brother Jiang, its momentum has improved a lot at once, it is equivalent to the old red-clothed ghost in the previous school, it is very difficult to deal with!"

"Be careful, old man!"

Everyone was sweating.

They knew that Jiang Che was powerful.

But they all think that he is at most a high-level combat system.

In the face of this kind of thing that can singled out four or five, level 45 combat type.

0 may still be difficult.

Jiang Che chuckled lightly.

That's right, his basic strength is similar to this old pig's current state, and in a real fight, the outcome can only be seven or three.

I'm sorry.

I am not an ordinary player.

Not even a kryptonite player.

I'm a plug-in player! Are you trying to find a hammer with me? "Use an alien card—"


Accompanied by a roar.

Jiang Che stretched out sharp barbs on both arms, and his whole person instantly gained a violent aura.


He roared angrily, his eyes turned red, the Tengu's 'rage ability was activated, Jiang Che's muscles swelled every inch, and his strength was tripled directly. Coupled with the magical talent of the Crazy Flame Hammer, the nine-meter sledgehammer of nearly one million kilograms of strength, smashed down...

The moment the Butcher King's kitchen knife touched the hammer, it rolled the blade directly.

It opened its mouth wide, and then was slammed into the ground by this hammer, crushing it into pieces! I saw this scene.

The investigators rubbed their eyes.


"Why is it still a spike!!"

"Did I have a blind eye?"

"Shouldn't it be..."

Yu Chengfeng's expression became solemn: "The ability of the boss is actually, Superman with a hammer"

"Snakeskin's Hammer Superman, deputy leader, you have too much strange knowledge about fan dramas and movies!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 400 energy."

Jiang Che's figure flashed.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Hammer the remaining butcher demons to death one by one.

They provided Jiang Che with more than [-] energy in total.

"Go, keep going!"

Jiang Che led a group of horses and set off towards this street. The whole street began to sound, one after another, the screams and the sound of hammers. Of course, in fact, there were only a few houses with evil spirits. The residents of the small town have long since become walking corpses.

So the team moves very fast.

In less than an hour, they raided Jiangwan Town, the entire periphery, and the three main streets.

Jiang Che's energy finally broke through to more than [-] again.

And when they stepped into the center of the town.

Everyone's expression changed.

Because it's so unusual here!: Recommend a friend's book "Movie: Beginning with Winning the Handsome", the writing is excellent, not watery, not dragging the rhythm, the plot is clear, the characters are not jumping

Chapter [-] I resisted everything by myself (the fourth update~ I'm sorry everyone, it's late~)

The outer streets of Jiangwan Town are brightly lit, and the figures are flickering, at least the bright side is normal.

And when they walk into the center range.

But I found that it was dead silent here, every house, every street, all was pitch black, as if to tell everyone who stepped in here - this is not normal.

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