Obviously the sheep-headed demon is here, and its status is not low.

And a hidden place outside.

Yu Chengfeng stared at the detection instrument, his expression changed drastically: "Not good! The value is close to [-], this is the most terrifying existence among the + threat level!!"

"Ready at any time, support team leader!"

Everyone's breathing became heavy.

A heart, mentioned in the throat.

And Jiang Che was also overwhelmed by the monster's strong demonic energy and powerful aura, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Jiang Che's eyes were cold.

"Are you trying to rebel, talking to the teacher like this?"


The goat head giggled oddly.

It walked out one step, and the demonic energy flashed, and it actually came to Jiang Che in an instant, pinching his neck.

"Teacher, don't you know that our teachers here are all food for everyone, classmates, add a meal today, I'll treat you!"

Sheep's head said, the skinny, barbed and strange palms exerted force 0... they were about to break Jiang Che's neck.

And this time.

Jiang Che's eyes suddenly changed: deep.

"Use an alien card—"


In his hand, there is only one eye, and the head is a ferocious giant white bull, which turned into an ancient force.

Jiang Che's body swelled in a circle in an instant, his muscles were refined, strong, and solid as iron.

And on his forehead, a pair of ferocious black iron horns grew: come, open a vertical eye between the eyebrows, the shape is much cooler than these... monsters.

Crack!! Sheep's head is full of grins.

The ferocious claws suddenly clenched.

And then... its smile froze on its face.

What the hell! How can you not hold your neck! At this time, the surface of Jiang Che's body, the divine armor flashed with golden light, fluorescent light, plus the bronze monster card, the blessing of the scorpion, his current skin can be hard to bear Live the bombardment of dozens of missiles.

Just when the goat head demon was stunned.

Jiang Che had already raised the sledgehammer.

"Eating in class, serious violation of school rules, punished by-"

"death penalty!"

All the monsters were stunned.

What a god......you're a devil if you eat something in class!! Can you be a personal sledgehammer and crack open several cracks, a blazing white flame rises, and a red phoenix bursts out from Jiang Che's body again. Flame, and at the same time the one eye between his eyebrows suddenly changed to 2.

9 It was deep and deep, like a forbidden abyss, a ferocious, terrifying dark flame came out, with an aura of infinite silence.

This is one of the powers of fame.

Tricolor flame.

Together around the flame hammer.

The terrifying high temperature directly scorched many monsters, and black smoke appeared from the surface of the body, and the expression changed drastically.

The walls of the entire classroom instantly turned red.

Many monsters are dumbfounded.

This is so....what equipment you want to exorcise, we understand.

But shouldn't you come up with something, a wooden sword, a black dog's blood, and a cross is no good.

Use some exorcism silver bullets, crystal bottles, or even missiles, we can accept it! But this kind of sledgehammer should appear in the Avengers Alliance at first sight! What the hell!!: Thank you all Big flowers, tickets, rewards and support! Thank you!

Wow!Thank you for your 100vip reward! !grateful~

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter 6 is right to call [-] (the third update ~ please subscribe)

Jiang Che smashed it down with a sledgehammer.

Packed with terrifying power.

Sheep's Horn: The demon let out a low roar, and a vast sea of ​​demonic energy erupted from its body. This momentary eruption was actually close to, or even said to have reached the level of evil. Many monsters' pupils widened.

Scouts outside.

Even looking at the instrument, the value instantly turned red.

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