He swallowed hard.

"Big... big boss-level power"

"No, the team leader is dangerous!"

"This kind of power is a limit. Once it breaks through, it will be several times, even ten times, dozens of times of +!!"

Everyone was deeply sweating.

Only Henry Zhang, his eyes faint: "You are too far away, you may not feel how terrifying the team leader's hammer is, and what the instrument detects may not necessarily only be the energy value of this monster."

His ability is the five senses of the beast, which is extremely sensitive.

In fact, it's not to blame for the misjudgment of the other team members, because the entire classroom was affected by more than [-] monsters, and the strong demonic energy covered them up, and everyone could only see it roughly.

And it was accompanied by a terrifying loud noise.

Bang!!! A dazzling fire flashed.

Almost all the magic in the classroom was dispelled.

Jiang Che hammered, only a puddle of minced meat remained.

Fierce horns: Demon, he couldn't even hold a hammer.

Monsters in the classroom.

All of them took a deep breath.

Hiss, the instructor-level powerhouse.

This is terrifying!! The current Jiang Che, under the blessing of the bronze card, can kill with a hammer, but Jiang Li is a real evil, although he just didn't use the big killing move like the flame explosion. , but killing a mere + level Sheep's Head Demon in seconds, of course, couldn't be easier.

Then Jiang Che carried the sledgehammer.

He glanced at the rest of the monsters in the classroom, "Why are you standing there during class time, you also want to violate the school rules"

Hear his threatening words.

More than [-] monsters exchanged glances, and the eyes of each monster were the same violent, the meaning is very simple: fuck him together! Slap!!! Jiang Che slapped the podium with a slap.

The huge podium turned into a pile of fly ash.

All the monsters shuddered in unison, struggled for half a second on their faces, and finally all sat down, like a good baby.

Only a pig-headed man, a butcher demon with a height of more than two meters, slowly raised a large kitchen knife.

With its big eyes like copper bells, it looked at Jiang Che with a wicked smile.

"Don't think that your strength is great. It's not like we haven't eaten strong people!"

"Isn't it, brother..."

Butcher Demon's words stopped abruptly.

Because the moment he turned his head, he was shocked to see that the demons had already sat down without knowing when.

Damn it, what are you guys... Can you point out a dog face if you say cowardly! How can this make me feel good? Jiang Che raised his sledgehammer.

"You called your brothers because you wanted to rebel in the classroom"

The Butcher Demon was panting heavily, and cold sweat dripped from his big head.

It swallowed hard.


"Students! Let's warmly welcome the Dean to come and guide our 3 classes!"

Clap! Clap! Clap! The butcher's futon-like hands began to applaud.

It took a long time before it stopped, and it cast an extremely respectful look at Jiang Che, and spoke with great sincerity.

"I'm sorry, Director... I don't want to do this in class, but when I see a respectable teacher like you, I can't help it. I want to express my admiration for you, and ask the Director to punish me. !!”

All the evil spirits were stunned:.

Holy crap, I didn't expect you to have big eyebrows and big eyes.

There are so many flowers and intestines "um"

Jiang Che applauded and patted Butcher Demon's waist, but there was nothing he could do, his shoulders were too high for him to pat him.

"You're good, sit down: study hard. I'll go check out the other classes first. I just heard that your teacher is dead. I'll be back in a while and give you a few lessons."

When Jiang Che walked to the door of the classroom.

He suddenly turned his head, looked at the demons in the class, and grinned like a demon.

"By the way, I will start writing pi by dictation. When I come back, the student with the least number of digits will be the first lucky student to get up and answer the question. In order to encourage everyone to listen carefully, in the class, all the students who I pick up will be the lucky ones. If the answer is not correct, I will remove an arm from it."

Demons: Why do you still take off an arm if you can't answer the question personally! Wait for us to graduate.

How can there be a few normal people! Normal demons! On the other side.

Watching Jiang Che walk out of the classroom.

Those... terrifying monsters, all the team members began to study hard in the classroom.

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