Henry Zhang also said solemnly: "Yes, there are still some monsters, from time to time they look towards the basement of another... dark teaching building."

"Remember to notify the team leader later and let him be vigilant."



Bang!! A violent loud noise.

In the classroom, all the monsters who were seriously dictating pi jumped up in shock, a violent heat wave hit from behind them, all the monsters turned their heads, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

I saw that the wall at the back of the classroom had been hammered down by the devil's teaching director, while the devils of Class 4 on the other side had bruised noses and swollen faces, and looked at Jiang Che with resentful eyes, but they all dared not speak out.

The sense of superiority of the demon leader of the class immediately rose.

Fortunately, we recognized the counsel quickly! "The teacher of this class happened to be dead too, open up the classroom, and let's have a class together later."

Jiang Che said something and walked to the next classroom with a sledgehammer.

The corners of the demons' mouths twitched.

You are so...with a sledgehammer.

It's not like a teacher either... bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!...accompany Jiang Che into the next classroom, classroom.

There was a series of loud noises throughout the teaching building.

In the end, the walls of the four classrooms 44 were hammered down, and more than [-] monsters of various forms gathered together and started... Listening to the class.

Jiang Che walked to the blackboard in the front classroom and took out the chalk.

Write on the blackboard: 1+ and then call out: "Butcher Demon, you are the one who wrote the least pi, get up and answer this question."

The Butcher Demon 'huchihuchi' stood up.

He lowered his head nervously.

"Is it... 2 ah, teacher, I'm not sure."

"That's right!"

Jiang Che's words were like a reassurance.

"Sit down."

Jiang Che slowly wrote on the blackboard: 2 The demons take a look.

The tense atmosphere instantly disappeared.

Haha, with a question of this level, I can do eight 8s in one breath! "Everyone must learn to draw inferences from others. According to this knowledge point of my teaching, I will ask a related question, and then randomly select a lucky classmate. Reply."

Jiang Che looked around for a week, all the monsters raised their chests and raised their heads, showing a proud look.

Questions related to 11 are nothing more than 2+3.

[-]st grade level questions.

We still don't care! If you have the ability, you will have the whole third grade! "Then you."

Jiang Che pointed to a monster with a scary cat face and a weird smile on his face.

This monster was also the one who tried to escape before.

It smiled lightly and stood up.

I heard Jiang Che ask.

"Please deduce the Pythagorean theorem."

"Good teacher."

The cat-faced demon chuckled lightly: "Pythagore... clam"

The smile on the cat's face froze.

What a god....From 11 to the Pythagorean theorem! Do you have such a question? Are you a dog? "Teacher, this is too complicated, how can it be deduced..."

Is the cat face demon?

Jiang Che smiled and walked over: "It seems that this classmate is distracted in class, let the teacher punish him a little."

After saying that, he slammed the hammer.

Bang!! The cat face demon became a puddle of minced meat.

Its biggest resentment before its death is... 0... not so special... why did you just break an arm? Why did you just move the hammer! You are a dog!! And the demons are also twitching at the corners of their mouths.

"Students, pay attention."

Jiang Che raised the nine-meter-long sledgehammer: "Although I'm talking about unloading an arm, the tools that I brought when I went out today are really rough, and it's easy to hit other places if I'm not careful, so in the next course, please be careful. listen."

"Next point of knowledge."

The demons were immediately awe-inspiring, staring at Jiang Che, earnestly to the extreme.

Just last fifteen minutes! Wait for the lunatic in the basement to come out.

Just let this dog die than the dean!! All the demons have a kind of:, the feeling of being humiliated and burdened.

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