Jiang Che wrote the word 'hui' on the blackboard.

"Donkey-faced demon over there, you answer this question."

The devil who was pulled up turned out to be flushed with light, leisurely and contentedly.


I guessed that you were going to ask, there are fourteen ways to write hui, sorry, this Lao Tzu happens to know! "Say [-] words with hui as a radical or radical."

The donkey-faced demon froze with excitement.

What the hell are you talking about Die us, we have eaten countless human beings, don't think that he will let us go, let's go together! Fight with him!"


All demons are indifferent.

Jiang Che didn't panic at all, and walked over slowly with the hammer in hand.

What he is playing now is a conspiracy, 1.

In fact, everyone is tacit and has their own goals.

These... monsters want to wait for the black fog to completely erode the scope of the teaching building, and wait for a powerful kin to come out and kill them. Before that, unless they know that they will die, like the donkey-faced demon, they don't want to be Head bird.

Jiang Che, on the other hand, wanted to boil a frog in warm water.

If he pushes too hard and the monsters flee in all directions, he will definitely not be able to catch up with a few.

Therefore, the voice of the donkey-faced demon is destined to have no response from the demon. As long as Jiang Che's slow slaughtering speed is still within an acceptable range, this group of frogs in warm water will never erupt, and what they expect, It's already too soon.

Some demon eyes were faint, watching the scope gradually expand, slowly eroding the bright black mist of the teaching building...  

: I'm very sorry, this chapter is late, it's really this wave of plots that has repeatedly tried to figure out the psychology of the characters, this is a wave of conspiracy, and the characters on both sides are not as brainless as they seem on the surface.

Chapter [-] Horror creatures, dead end! (Fifth, I am the last cub!)

"I taught everyone the 24 letters just now. Please, this classmate who is full of evil spirits, come to translate "Three Hundred Ancient Poems" in this foreign language."

"I can't do anything, and I didn't pay attention to the class when I saw it."

Bang!! "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 900 energy."


"The principle of leverage has already been explained so clearly, this... the flaming Balrog, let's deduce quantum mechanics."

"I don't even know that there is a desertion in class!"

Bang!! "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 192 energy."


Jiang Che controlled the rhythm.

Slowly slaughtering a bunch of monsters.

And outside.

The members of the investigation team hiding in the dark were completely stunned.

There is only one thought in their minds now: what the hell,! what the fuck,! what the fuck! how did this happen to more than a hundred terrifying monsters.

He was shocked by the team leader alone! And it's amazing to let him slaughter slowly! "!"

"Your show, I'm far behind."

"Can someone explain to me why this is so special?"

"It stands to reason that although the team leader is strong, he is not strong enough to break the sky. A group of monsters, whether it is a collective escape or a joint effort, has a high probability of escaping, and even overthrowing the team leader."

"This is so much about quantum mechanics! I don't understand it at all, anyway... just shout it."

"So the group leader's cultural invasion is not done?"


Only a few people.

His eyes were dim, and his heart was shocked.

Yu Chengfeng said solemnly: "Team leader, he is really a terrible person."

"Deputy team leader, don't you talk nonsense, who is not afraid of a nine-meter-long hammer?"

"Do not."

Yu Chengfeng shook his head: "His mind is more terrifying than a hammer."

"The reckless man is not scary, just afraid that the reckless man has culture!"


with the passage of time.

When Jiang Che hammered over the forty-ninth monster.

All the remaining monsters lit up.

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