At this time, on the tallest building of the school, the bell rang.

Clang! It's a quarter of a quarter past twelve.

at this time.

The faces of the investigation team members changed.

Because of those... bizarre black fog, suddenly swept across, directly covering the entire school, all the lights, all became: dimmed, in these dim lights, the eyes of a pair of monsters flickered, and the monsters licked licked the corner of his mouth.

"I met this reckless man today, and I spent a lot of money, but I also have so much food. I must make up for it."

"Hey, human, witness the end of the world!"

There were two loud bangs like thunder.

Suddenly, it sounded in the campus.

The earth shook violently.

A school building is shaking.

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes, he understood that his stage of cutting leeks was over.

"If that's the case, it's time to tear the skin off."

Jiang Che murmured.

The nine-meter-long Crazy Flame Hammer was raised and smashed down.

"Flame! Fall! Explosion!"

Some clever monsters had long since slipped away in the black mist just by the dim light just now, and Jiang Che couldn't care about them, because these... monsters, in this strange black mist, seemed like a fish in water, Instantly became: extremely slippery.

Bang!!! The hammer fell with a bang.

White, red, black.

The three-color flames mixed into a giant dragon, which slammed into the ground.

Shocking explosion.

swept away the remaining monsters.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting..."



More than [-] system prompts sounded.

Only some monsters who were not good at escaping were left behind by Jiang Che's hammer.

The other thirty or so survivors were all hiding in the depths of the black fog, staring coldly at this group of humans, ready to take action at any time, or run away immediately when the situation was wrong. These... monsters, are all extremely cunning.

This is why Jiang Che had to waste so much effort before.

If there was no previous Yang Conspiracy, the monsters Jiang Che could leave behind would probably be more than twenty.

And now, he killed a total of more than [-] animals, all of them in +.

A monster of the rank of [-] was directly obtained. Adding to the original [-] energy, Jiang Che's energy skyrocketed to over [-]! Enough to draw another gold card.

"This wave of blood earned."

Jiang Che murmured.

Then he looked at another... teaching building, in the vaulted basement, the... vague shadow, that... behemoth, at least seven meters high, like a terrifying monster like a small two-story building , its breath is the strongest Jiang Che has ever seen so far! The most terrifying!! Jiang Che said silently.

"Draw a silver card."

Now he has a lot of money and a silver card.

The energy of [-] white flowers is thrown out.

Broken roulette wheel spins.

A man in the face of a goat with huge goat horns: eyeballs under his armpits, teeth like tigers, human-like claws, a sturdy terrifying beast, bigger than a mountain, appeared in front of Jiang Che. A terrifying aura that devoured everything came, and the sky behind it was obscured and darkened.

In an instant, a terrifying aura that devoured everything emerged from Jiang Che.

All the monsters were stunned for a moment.

Compared with this breath, they are too insignificant for... evil spirits, ghosts, and people to devour. This breath almost devours everything, devours the sky and devours the earth! Some monsters shivered and watched with fear. Jiang Che glanced at him: "I'm afraid there is a great secret hidden in this dean."

"Fortunately, I didn't do anything with him."

At this time, Jiang Che's eyes lit up: "I've drawn a fourth-level villain again - gluttonous!"

At this moment.

The terrifying sound of footsteps like thunder and thunder, accompanied by the vibration of the ground, approached here.

All the members of the investigation team took a deep breath when they saw the behemoth gradually revealing its shape in the black fog. The beast was a bit humanoid in general, and the huge humanoid walking corpse was rushing over from the corner of the street. , is similar, but the difference is that it is even larger, it is seven meters high when it walks on its knees on the ground, and it is probably fifteen or six meters tall when it stands up, which is higher than the entire teaching building.

Moreover, this huge monster is covered in flesh, very broken, with different colors, and even mixed with clothes. The most terrifying thing is that the monster has hundreds of thousands of hideous faces, each of which is screaming and roaring in pain. .

This is a creature made of countless people, evil 427.

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