"help me!"

"I'm in so much pain"

"Come and join us"


These... faces are human, ghost, demon, animal.

And so on.

But the same is that they are all full of powerful resentment, which makes this terrifying giant beast possess a vast and terrifying power, and once you get close to it, you can feel endless despair, resentment, and the spirit of the whole person. affected.

A black mist emanated from it, sweeping all around.

All the investigators were horrified to find out.

Under this black fog, he seems to be showing signs of being assimilated! He even wanted to be willing to become a part of this huge creature. Some people also noticed that those... the demons who escaped did not stay in the black fog, but instead They walked to the dark street in the distance and stared at it coldly, as if they were also afraid of this terrifying creature.

At this moment.

The detector on Chengfeng's hand flashed a faint but extremely fast red light.

A rapid warning sound rang in the team channel.

"Warning! Warning! Encounter energy check exceeds 5.

Determined to be a +threat level terrifying creature!!"

"Please evacuate immediately!!"

"Please evacuate immediately! Don't hesitate!!"

All the members of the investigation team of Gulu swallowed hard, and an aura called despair permeated the team.

There are more than [-] monsters staring at him.

Inside, there are terrifying creatures walking step by step.

This is a near-death situation!

Thanks for the 1vip reward of Montenegro 100! !Haha, what a beautiful name!

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Wow! !Thank you for the rewarding five consecutive times! !Boss broke!

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] Demons - Thousands of Resentments! (The first update ~ please subscribe!)

"Evil Demon - Thousand Resentments!"

Yu Chengfeng's voice was as deep as ice.

The team members were speechless.

"What time is this, deputy team leader, don't spread movie knowledge to everyone."

"Still think of a way, how to escape!"

"Do not."

Yu Chengfeng shook his head slowly: "This is not what I saw in the movie, some ancient families have records of this kind of thing, it is the earliest cognition of the empire to... There was a famine on the land, corpses were everywhere, demons and ghosts were rampant, many creatures died of wrongs, and they held their breath in their hearts, and later these... grievances were combined by chance and resurrected."

"It became this terrifying demon - a thousand resentments!"

"It has the ability to swallow all creatures and evil spirits, and at the same time gathers the resentment of hundreds of resentful souls, the more it swallows, the stronger it becomes, and as long as the resentment persists, it is... immortal and immortal , every time you die, "Three Eight Three"

, at most it will take some resentment to be reborn."

"And as long as it is in a place where there are creatures and evil, it can continue to absorb new resentments."

Hear Yu Chengfeng's explanation.

The team members froze for a long time and opened their mouths.

"Then this......isn't something that is invincible, isn't it?"

"If it is allowed to enter the city, it may gain infinite power!"

"It's too scary, and this one already has + other combat power."

"How did the thousand grudges get resolved in the first place:"

Yu Chengfeng took a deep breath: "That one, at that time, reached the strategic level, but the empire at that time dispatched three strategic level forces, fought for nine days and nine nights, sacrificed two, and was swallowed up, that one thousand grudges, Powerful to an unimaginable level, it can even be called a thousand resentments, a hundred thousand resentments, and it has killed several cities in the empire all the way, and the people are suffering, and the number of casualties is in the millions."

"Finally, it's the Taoist old immortal who claims to be about to ascend - shot at the virtual real person."

"Sacrificing your life to fight and giving up the chance to gain the Tao, was the only way to seal the ultimate demon with a million faces."


Everyone took a deep breath.

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