Unexpectedly, what they are facing is actually a terrifying demon that can destroy the entire empire! "It is said that at that time, Chongxu Zhenren had already surpassed the level of strategic level, and this had enough tyrannical power to suppress that monster, Now this monster, I am afraid that only strategic power can check and balance!"

Yu Chengfeng's voice was gloomy: "Quick, inform Master Lu! We must pass the news up, and then desperately stop it! Otherwise, the entire Dayuan City, with a population of one million, will be completely swallowed up and become its nourishment."

"At that time, it will be the disaster of the empire's annihilation."

Everyone's breathing became hurried...and on the tallest building of the school, by the window sill.

Seven or eight, a man in a research suit.

They looked down excitedly, and kept observing some of the test instruments next to them. When it was determined that the energy level was constant at [-] and increased at a gentle and stable rate, these people shouted excitedly.

His eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"Success! Completely successful."

"Multifaced Demon, our ultimate masterpiece."

"Bah! What a fool to name it, it's clearly called Monster Jack!"

"In any case, after ten years of research, more than a hundred days and nights of feeding and testing, we used the entire town as nourishment to cultivate evil spirits, as nourishment for monsters, and then use these... monsters as multi-faced monsters. The nourishment of this, finally cultivated this, invincible artwork!"

"The feast of blood and death is about to be pulled."

"Jie Jie Hualong Empire's humble nation, the judgment of your church!"


At this time, a huge and vast giant demon——Thousand Resentments.

Crawling on the ground, walking forward step by step, walking towards the most delicious and delicious food.

More than a thousand faces showed coveted gloomy smiles.

Staring at that... the person who carried the sledgehammer and exuded enormous energy and blood.

"Come and join us"

"I died so wrongly!"

"Be one of us and enjoy eternal life."

It directly collapsed the teaching buildings, and it was seven meters tall when lying down, with a sturdy body, and those... the faces that were screaming constantly, were extremely terrifying.

Jiang Che was holding a hammer.

Standing in the ruins of the teaching building that was smashed down by his hammer.

He looked up at this terrifying monster.

"Dude, have you ever seen a hammer technique that falls from the sky?"

He finished.

He took a step forward and rushed forward, but instead of retreating, he stepped forward, and his feet stepped on the void, as if stepping on the real body, the blessing of the wind god was activated, the whole person broke through all the help, the speed increased tenfold, and rushed towards the sky, instantly Turn into a little light and break through the sky.

Then Jiang Che hit the hammer.

Blazing white, crimson, and dark three-color flames... covered the hammer and his entire body.

At the same time, Jiang Che's muscles swelled twice again in an instant.

Brings incomparably violent power blessing.

There was also an aura of dead silence, which stirred from the vertical eyes between Jiang Che's brows.

Ability - Destruction! All power.

At this moment, all blessings are used, and this terrifying blow is caused.

"Flame! Fall! Explosion!"

All stared at the sky.

However, he heard a loud roar that shook the air around him.

Then three white, red, and black violent fire dragons intertwined and crashed down from the sky, like a shooting star.


"Jie Jie"

A strange smile appeared on Qianhui's face.

All eyes stared at the sky.

A wave of terrifying resentment condensed above it.

Block the sky.

And what is even more terrifying is that every face of it has a sinister smile, that is, there is a strange supernatural force, blocking the sky, there is a sudden condensation of ice, and the earth is mobilized, moving upwards. Block it, and the air is instantly compressed a million times... bang!!!!!!! A loud noise.

Like a nuclear bomb exploded.

The entire school, all teaching buildings, collapsed suddenly under the impact of this burst of explosions.

Boom! High-rise buildings collapsed.

The earth trembled incessantly.

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