At this time, they looked at this majestic, sacred, and hideous figure of 97, as if, in despair, they had seen the supreme god.

"Mom! Come and see the beast!"

"This seems to be our team leader..."

"What's the matter, this is the leader"

"I just said that the team leader is not a mortal person, I didn't expect it to be the reincarnation of a divine beast!"

"God is the reincarnation of a divine beast, and everyone has awakened their abilities. Don't you realize that the team leader has not shown any special abilities except... he is more powerful and speaks more madly? Maybe this is his real ability. Ability!"

Some people were slightly disappointed: "So it's not Superman with a hammer"

"This muscle, this line, and this sexy big horn: love love love!"

"Wake up, with my superficial understanding of the team leader, he won't like men."



Qianqi finally let out an unwilling roar.

It actually tore off one of its arms abruptly, and the entire huge arm, together with the more than [-] faces of wronged souls on it, were all torn apart and swallowed, and then it turned its head in a panic and ran away.

Everyone looked stupid.

A terrifying monster that was just invincible.

In order to escape, the speed that he could not capture even if he broke his arm, appeared in the sky above Thousand Resentments in the blink of an eye.

Then... press it down with one palm! Bang!!! Thousand resentment's entire body was directly hardened into the soil.

The ground shook violently.

All the monsters, people, hidden in the dark, swallowed together, held their breath and stopped breathing.

What the hell! It's too violent to crush it!! In the demon group, a butcher demon touched his waist in horror, proud and panicked and said to the ancient python next to him: "No... boasting. Say, here, I was slapped by the dean before, and I don't know if there is any...

All the demons immediately gave a thumbs up.

"Fuck, it's true or false."



"Butcher Demon, in terms of defensive power, I am willing to take you as the strongest from now on!"


the other side.

Jiang Che picked up Thousand Resentment's leg and dragged it towards the black crack. He could also open a huge mouth on his body and devour everything, but to devour a lot of power, he needed to open this black crack.

"Thousands of resentments, don't rush to run, I will send you to cross the other world, push all the way, marry the daughter of the sect master, and reach the pinnacle of life. If you see that... if there is no gap in the dark space, then I will help you open it up. Portal, as long as you step into it bravely, you can immediately become the next Heavenly Emperor, traversing the ages, no problem!"

"Walk around, everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you step into the portal, a beautiful different world is waiting for you!"

Jiang Che patiently persuaded and persuaded him well, but the faces of Qian Resentful Demon were stunned.

God is such a portal! When I'm stupid, that's obviously your means of devouring.

He has also become the Emperor of Heaven! If I go in, I am afraid it will be not far from ascending to the sky! Shameless old thief!! The Thousand Resentment Demon shouted in grief and indignation while being dragged on the ground by Jiang Che. In the deep earth ditch, with only one hand left, clinging to the ground, his face was full of despair and grievance.

Its body, face after face, screamed shrilly.

"What do you want!"

"We don't want to cross!"

"We killed people, killed a lot, you send us to the bureau."

"I beg the brothers over there, hurry up and call the police! Hurry up! We have to surrender!"



Thousand Resentments would rather be imprisoned by the relevant departments of the Empire.

He didn't want to fall into Jiang Che's hands either.

sucked dry by him.

The members of the investigation team were very speechless.

You are afraid of the leader.

Aren't we afraid? Are we not afraid of a tricky situation? Jiang Che dragged the Thousand Resentment Demon to the black gap and fed its feet into the gap. Devouring, digesting, and at the same time black cracks, vaguely passed on to Jiang Che, one after another power, all the power of resentment after refining, turned into the purest energy.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 100 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 100 energy."


The energy is very considerable.

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