The arm just now directly brought more than a thousand energy to Jiang Che.

Can be swallowed.

Jiang Che suddenly realized that his hand was light. This time, Qian Resentment broke his leg and escaped. It first turned into a ghost of resentment, and then condensed, it became one, and in a smaller version, there were less than [-] people left. A thousand resentments on the face.

This time, I learned to be smart.

No yelling.

It ran wildly under its feet and ran quietly and quickly towards the distance.

However, Jiang Che's whole body burst out with fiery power, and a large pit exploded in the ground beneath his feet. He turned into a cannonball and shot out, with a 'boom', and stopped in front of Qianren.

The Thousand Resentment Demon has been sucked by Jiang Che for so long, and one thing has changed.

At this time, Jiang Che was able to crush it in all directions in terms of speed and strength.

"Old Qian, my brother sent you this great fortune, what are you running through the portal and go to the otherworld continent for leisure, isn't it fragrant?"

"What foxtail girl, cat ear girl, they are all waiting for you!"

Thousands of Resentful Demons have hundreds of expressions of grief and indignation.

Shut up! Shameless thief! You are greedy for our body!! You are a jerk!

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Thank you tangled boy100vip for the reward! !Thank you so much!

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] There is no more evil (fourth update ~ please subscribe!)

Jiang Che once again dragged the Thousand Resentments back.

Then it stretched one of its legs into the black fissure and devoured it continuously.

Jiang Che was still babbling: "What I said, why am I greedy for your body, you don't look good..."

Thousands of Resentful Demons were about to cry.

What's wrong with you.... while sucking my body and saying I'm not good-looking.... on the other side.

After the grove, the team is stationed.

Lu Yun's eyes suddenly sank.

A white light flew out from the scepter in her hand, imprisoning an area in the woods, and a figure was subdued.

"It's me, the people from the investigation team. Something big happened. The deputy team leader asked me to come back and report!"

The visitor shouted eagerly.

After Lu Yun confirmed it, she let go... He.

He frowned and asked, "What's the matter? The communication equipment failed. Did some evil do it?"

She has been through countless wars, big and small, and has a lot of experience.

In a sentence, it can be inferred.


The man gasped heavily: "Five...[-], on the order of [-]..."

What! Everyone present.

With a 'swipe', they all stood up.

His face was solemn.

The threat of + is absolutely terrifying and unimaginable.

One such evil.

If no one stops it.

I'm afraid it can destroy a city! "Don't lie, this was already anticipated in this operation."

Lu Yun's face was only slightly dark, but the matter was still in control: "If it's only on the order of fifty thousand, there's nothing to be afraid of. I can solve it together with this girl Fang Qian."

"A thousand grudges of the order of fifty thousand."

The visitor finally finished speaking in one breath.

And after hearing what he said.

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