Many people were puzzled.

"What the hell is that?"

"Is it great?"

"Never heard of such evil."


Buzz! A buzzing sounded, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees.

At some point in Qi Yuan's hand, he took out a large sword made of ice. In his eyes, there were two faint blue gleams, and a streak of ice and snow lingered around his body. Dangerous breath.

Hung Lu Yun squeezed the scepter in her hand, and a terrifying aura burst forth from her body. Zhou Shulin, the big trees, suddenly snapped, and the leaves were scattered all over the sky. Everyone was silent for a moment.

I'm afraid she only has one thought.

It can kill a lot of people here! The crystal coffin on Fang Zhen's shoulders, he didn't know when, he floated up.

The difference between the three big bosses.

It made everyone stunned.

After being stunned for two seconds, many people suddenly reacted.

This is because... the name Qianqi "immediately informed the high-level officials of the empire and requested that a director be dispatched to Dayuan City to support Jiangwan Town!"

Lu Yun's face was sinking like water, and he arranged: "Everyone, it's time to work hard. After the notification is over, quickly rush to Jiangwan Town. This thing must not enter the urban area, otherwise the entire Dayuan City will be completely over!"

"Qian girl, let's go!"

A word fell.

In the crystal coffin, two mental powers were wrapped around Qi Yuan, Lu Yun, the two-level powerhouse, and the third-level boss. They rushed to Jiangwan Town in a panic.

At this moment.

Finally, someone in the team responded.

"It's a thousand resentments turned out to be such a legendary thing."

Someone wondered: "Brother, make it clear, what's wrong with this thing, isn't the third-level boss not its opponent?"

The man explained immediately.

"Whether it's an opponent, it's hard to say, the key thing is that this thing can't die, and as long as it can't be killed, it will become stronger and stronger."

The man's expression was heavy: "And once it enters the city and absorbs countless resentments, it is invincible. In short, it must be stopped! Otherwise, none of our relatives and friends can escape. "

After listening to him.

Everyone's faces darkened.

"Let's go, let's support, we who are capable, we can still dissipate a little bit of its resentment, Lao Tzu's family is still there: Dayuan City, how can we stop this bastard!"

Someone shouted loudly.

The capable people of the sharp knife group and the strong attack group rushed towards Jiangwan Town one after another.

There were also people who stayed to call the Conspiracy Bureau.

report message.

For a time, the top officials of the Conspiracy Bureau were shaken, constantly coordinating and analyzing, where can a master at the director level be dispatched.

These...strategic powerhouses, no matter which country they are in, are a radish and a pit.

It's easier said than done to mobilize... and soon, in the grove, this capable team rushed into Jiangwan Town with a heavy heart.

Along the way, a few team members who knew the Thousand Resentments had spread the legend of the Thousand Resentments to everyone. All of them looked very solemn. As soon as they entered Jiangwan Town, the two teams also set up their battle formations.

They understand, even if they panic.

You can't rampage in this evil place like Jiangwan Town.

Otherwise, not only... can't stop the thousand resentments, but instead put myself and others in.

"Brothers, you are in a hurry, you must put on the most vicious posture, and kill all the way in!"

"I heard that this place is everywhere in red, so be careful to avoid some dangerous places."

"By the way, what about the map of the investigation team, have you sent it back?"

someone asked.

Among the team, the person in charge of receiving the map immediately turned on the electronic equipment.

He glanced at it, and his face became happy: "Before they entered the inner area of ​​the town, they sent back a map of the distribution of evil spirits."

"Quick, according to this, calculate the weakest route of evil, we must go in as fast as possible to support everyone!"

The leader of the sharp knife team, a man with a blood-stained spear on his back, said solemnly.

He is the strongest among the remaining people here, and he is also a member of the Empire, so he served as the commander of Lin Zhao Nuo Zhao.


The man looked at the instrument, and immediately, his face became... strange: "But Team Leader Zhao, according to the marking of the investigation team, it seems that... there is not a single evil spirit on it."

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