"This kind of helpful good thing I do so often, it's not worth mentioning."

Then he walked into the wax museum first.

when you see the scene in front of you.

Jiang Che's expression suddenly became serious.

Wow! !Many thanks to a1070**** for the big 1764vip tip! !thanks~

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] Can't even break the shield? ? (Second update~ Sorry for being a bit sloppy today, but the fifth update will not be less)

The whole wax museum is in a mess.

An unpleasant smell of blood came out.

Jiang Che's face darkened slightly.

He walked in and saw that all the wax figures had been cut open, revealing the broken and hideous corpses inside.

The picture is extremely bloody, these corpses have been cut up and died with pain and horror on their faces.

There are many knives and forks, dinner plates, lamps, etc. scattered on the ground.

It seems that a grand banquet has just been held here, but for some reason, all the banquet participants left in a hurry.

Among these... wax figures, all people from the Hualong Empire were lured here and became the bloody food of evil spirits. They cut flesh and blood bit by bit with knives and forks, and died in pain.


His face darkened.

"Cultists have always coveted the bodies of some powerful vampires. If they can use this as a container, they can summon terrible devils or evil gods."

Lu Yun said sternly: "And the three evil spirits in Jiangwan Town belong to the same international criminal force - the Dark Alliance."

"Thousands of resentments died in Xiao Che's hands."

"I'm afraid that old blood-sucking earl felt threatened, and finally decided to join forces with the cultists. The building we just saw, the escaped psionic researcher, should also go to the church."

"Go! Go to church."

She suddenly thought of something very dangerous, and a tremor flashed in her eyes.

The team rushed towards the town, the most central building - the church.

And just when they ran halfway.

Clang! The bell rings.

Another fifteen minutes passed.

At the same time, with the sound of the bell, a heavy cloud of lead slowly pressed over Jiangwan Town.

This strange town seems to be enveloped by a layer of strange power, completely sealed off.

The atmosphere became more and more solemn.

Everyone's faces became extremely ugly.

One after another, devout chanting and prayers were passed into the ears of everyone. Beneath this prayer, there seemed to be the whispers of a strange creature.

Everyone who heard it became confused and breathing became difficult. Even those... special soldiers, and some people with low-level abilities, stagnated directly in place, as if their souls had been hooked.

"God said, sentient beings are no longer confused!"

Lu Yun raised her scepter and shouted.

Her voice seemed to be amplified by the loudspeaker and echoed around, exciting a layer of holy light to dispel the darkness.

Some capable ones recovered.

But ordinary people are still standing still.

"Just leave them here for now."

Lu Yun's face was ugly: "The summoning process alone can affect such a wide range. This kind of thing is absolutely terrifying! There is a high probability that it is an evil god."

"Now only we can block it and wait for the arrival of the empire's powerhouse."


Many people were hesitant.

But in the end, it kept up with the big army.

The further forward, the whispers of that monster became more intense, and in the end, even those with high-level abilities were directly affected and stagnated in place.

What is even more frightening is that their eyes have some strange blood light ups and downs, and their mental state becomes: very strange, and growls in their mouths.

"This is influenced by the evil god. After a long time, he will become the servant of the evil god, a terrible monster."

Lu Yun's expression was extremely solemn: "When the time comes, don't be soft! "Let's let these things go... When the power of another world comes, no one knows what terrible things will happen."

in the team.

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