Everyone's face is ugly.

Unknown things are the most terrifying. They have never seen the so-called evil gods and devils, but just from the fact that the opponent has not yet appeared, a large group of super teammates have been killed, and super bosses have no way to release the control. .

How scary that thing is.

Absolutely surpasses everything! "I originally thought that Thousand Resentments was the biggest threat to Jiangwan Town, but I didn't expect the Dark Alliance to be so willing to pay for it. What secrets are hidden here?"

Lu Yun whispered, "It's worth their attention!"

It's different from the tension of the crowd.

Jiang Che's eyes were bright.

The sky above his head, the looming gluttonous beast soul, still has his eyes tightly closed.

The power of silver cards.

Jiang Che hasn't fully developed yet.

You could even say that it didn't work at all.

He is very interested in... the so-called Heretic God, even if the opponent is really incomparably powerful, he still has a card in his hand that is even more terrifying than a gluttonous man, the ancient god is strong, and even has a gold card, a trump card of the level of Kuafu Great God .

Jiang Che really wanted to know whether the so-called evil god from another world was stronger or weaker than the great power of the Shanhai Age...

The crowd ran all the way.


A brightly lit building is particularly eye-catching at night in Jiangwan Town.

The European-style building is a bit old, but the overall construction is extremely luxurious. A church is filled with candles. These...candlelights are very strange, emitting a blood-red light. From the outside, you can see the shadows in the church.

There seemed to be countless people standing there.

They are all praying in unison.

Very devout.

And in the center of the church, there was a huge black-red, octagonal European-style ancient coffin, five or six meters long.

Inside the coffin, a strong smell of blood came out.

when the crowd arrives.

The prayer ceremony also came to the last step.

Accompanied by the front of the church, those strange people wearing black robes and hiding their faces under cloaks raised their hands high and let out a strange shout.


all believers.

They shouted the same weird syllables.

Suddenly, a blood-colored storm blew up in the entire church.

One after another, blood-red power built a hard barrier that enveloped the entire church.

The void opened a black and red gap, and there seemed to be a ray of blood that fell into the coffin. Something boiled up in the coffin, and an extremely terrifying aura rose steadily. It seemed that there was a terrifying existence that crossed the endless Time and space, finally revive here! "Open!!!"

Qi Yuan roared angrily.

The ice blade in his hand quickly condensed into a machete seven or eight meters long.

He jumped up abruptly and fell savagely.

The big knife ripped through the air.

There was a terrifying sonic boom, and in the space, strands of frost condensed. This knife is very terrifying.

The ice blade landed on the blood-colored barrier, and then... the kacha kacha ice blade shattered inch by inch.

Qi Yuan fell down, panting heavily.

The anti-shock force from the blood-colored barrier.

It directly caused his hands to shatter, crack and bleed.

In the crystal coffin held by Fang Zhen, a condensed spiritual force swept out, directly annihilating the surrounding trees, flowers and plants into pieces. A terrifying spiritual storm, with a diameter of [-] meters, completely covered the entire church. .

A spiritual blade.

Severely cut on the blood-colored barrier.


The blood-colored barrier emits a blazing light.


Everyone's faces were extremely ugly.

Unexpectedly, the two high-ranking bosses can't break even a single shield of others.

what the hell

Chapter [-]: The Evil God of Horror! (The third update~)

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