"Almighty Lord, we believe in You."

"When the devil comes to the world."

Lu Yun chanted softly.

The scepter in her hand shone with a blazing white holy light, and a peaceful movement sounded in the air.

"When the filthy claws of the abyss stretch out."

With Lu Yun's red lips lightly parted.

The brilliance on her scepter is getting more and more... blazing "when the light is covered up."

"You cast down divine punishment—"

Accompanied by this chant.

The holy light on the scepter hit the sky, condensing in the sky above the church, as if a blazing angel spread its wings in the clouds, looking at the world with pity, the entire Jiangwan Town was illuminated translucently.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"This is.……"



And Lu Yun's face paled a bit, and there was bright red blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

She gritted her teeth.

Say your last salutation.

"Wash all sins away!"

In the sky, a bucket-thick holy light, wrapped in terrifying power, crashed down and slammed into the blood-colored mask.

Boom!!! "This attack is more than fifty-nine thousand, of the order of magnitude!"

Yu Chengfeng exclaimed.


"I don't know if it will work"

Everyone's eyes widened and they held their breaths.

Staring at the confrontation between the pillar of light and the blood-color barrier.


It clicked like the sound of heaven.

ringing in all ears.

Everyone showed ecstasy.

Finally... finally broken! Kacha, Kacha, the blood-colored mask can no longer withstand it, and it shatters inch by inch.

The holy light fell, piercing straight through the top of the church, tearing the cement and steel bars, and slammed into the coffin.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Looking happy.

But this time.


Someone exclaimed.

"No way"

"Look at the Holy Light!"

I saw a section of blazing light close to the coffin, like glass, shattered inch by inch, from the bottom to the top.

Inside the church.

The cult's prayers are getting more and more... devout.

And outside the church.

Lu Yun's expression changed in shock, her complexion became even more pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.

"The power of this evil god is too strange."

Qi Yuan's face was grim: "If this goes on like this, Senior Lu will not be able to support it!"

"Han Dao - Gather!"

In his hand, the giant frost blade condensed.

Qi Yuan stomped on the ground ruthlessly, and with a sound, a big hole exploded on the spot, and he turned into a blue phantom and rushed towards the coffin.

Around his body, ice ridges that were stronger than bullets floated out of thin air, blasting at the cultists on both sides.

If the level can make a move, it will be.... the momentum of the sky is falling and the earth is breaking.

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