But those... cultists, as well as several psychic researchers standing aside, all just stared at him coldly, as if they were looking at a dead person.

A blood-red barrier appeared on these people's bodies.

Easily block those... icicles.


At this time, Qi Yuan also rushed to the front of the coffin, he raised the frost knife, exhausted all his strength, and slashed down violently, directly slashing into the air, resounding with bursts of 'hiss'.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Suddenly, inside the coffin, a big, ferocious hand stretched out, blood-red all over, covered with blood-colored armor, and pinched it, an eight-meter-long ice giant blade.

Qi Yuan's face was gloomy, and his whole body burst out madly.

However it was of no use.

in front of that big hand.

He is like a child, it is difficult to shake the opponent even a little bit.


A sharp woman's cry.

Suddenly, it came out from the crystal coffin. This was the first time everyone heard this... Dayuan City, the first person under the director made a sound.

This sound.

A terrifying sonic boom is formed directly.

Swept all the way.

Where the impact passed, more than a dozen cultists were crushed abruptly.

Those... blood-red barriers.

He couldn't even stop Fang Qian's method.


There was a voice in the coffin, surprised.

"Nice power."

"But facing this god, it's still a long way off."

"Get back!!"

A loud shout came out.

It made everyone's eyes widen and their hearts tremble.

This sound directly shattered Fang Qian's terrifying sonic boom.

Everyone swallowed hard.

This is so special... It's not a level of battle at all! They figured it out.

Facing the siege of the three-level gangsters, the opponent behaved with ease, just like playing a game, how to beat all the able-bodied people's faces to see the extreme.

They stand together.

Breathing heavily, he stared straight ahead.

Before gaining the ability, many of them were just ordinary people.

In the face of such a terrifying opponent, you can stand here and not run away.

It is already these capable people, defending the city, the greatest faith and determination.

No one knows what their own destiny will be.

But they all condensed the strongest ultimate move, even if they want to die, they have to let it go before they die!! This is their last belief.

"..Okay, are you ready for what this God wants?"

Inside the coffin, a mighty voice sounded.

"This god is not interested in playing with these ants, but as long as the things are in place, it's okay to help you get rid of a few ants..."

The voice is relaxed and indifferent.

Just like when people talk to ants, it is absolutely impossible to take a serious attitude.

Bang!! Bloody big hand tossed.

Qi Yuan was thrown out directly.

A terrifying deep pit was smashed into the ground, and the whole person was unknown.

Hear that voice.

Someone among the cultists, holding a key, walked up to the money and offered it respectfully.

"My lord! This is the key to that thing."

"very good."

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