
door, open.

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Wow!Thank you for the big 100vip reward! !gratitude!

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] An increasingly dangerous world (second more)

The bronze chamber opens.

It was empty inside.

There is only an ancient altar.

The altar is bronze, and some stones are spliced ​​together, which is very primitive.

Jiang Che stretched out his hand, feeling cold to the touch.


"Ding, do you spend 5 energy to strengthen the altar of ghosts and gods'"

"Fuck, robbery."

Jiang Che was stunned.

Does the system really think that energy is Chinese cabbage?

What the hell is this! Jiang Che spent most of the day discussing and researching around this altar, and came to the conclusion that he wasted half a day.

When the sky is bright.

Jiang Che carried the altar, ran wildly all the way, and returned home.

The bronze secret room was turned into powder after Jiang Che lifted the altar.

The road is a bit strange, and I actually encountered several waves of ghosts, some evil, blatant, and committed murder in Dayuan City.

Cities become: increasingly dysfunctional.

The street is very deserted, and few people walk outside at night.

We all know that it is not peaceful now.

When he got home, Jiang Che called the Foundation and confirmed that he would go to collect the reward for this mission tomorrow morning.

Then Jiang Che received a call.

It is Zhou Banxian.

"Master Jiang, I didn't expect that the spiritual energy from the outside world is so abundant now. The four of us have made breakthroughs in our strength, and the people of Chenjia Village are indeed what I guessed. They are one of the five surnames and seven Wang. Their bloodlines are very strong, almost Everyone has awakened their abilities, and if they follow me to learn Taoism, they will get twice the result with half the effort and make rapid progress."

"We have set up a wicked management company, and your 30% equity contract is on the way, please don't refuse."

Before Jiang Che left at the time, a few people said that if they want to start a company, they must give equity to Chenjiacun's life-saving benefactor.

But what Jiang Che didn't expect was.

It was founded... Evil Treatment Company "It's not Lao Zhou, you wait, can you still create this kind of company, it's too showy"

Jiang Che was shocked.

Zhou Banxian laughed loudly: "Master Jiang seems to be busy recently. Previously, the government always had an ambiguous attitude towards... evil, but three days ago, it was completely publicized, and now there are too many people running this kind of company. "

Jiang Che turned on the computer in disbelief, and was surprised to find that during the time he was dealing with Huangjia Village and Jiangwan Town, the government did seem to have completely disclosed the existence of strange events.

[A family of five died tragically at home, and the murderer was actually a human head] [A water monster was found in Haikou City, and it was a rotten female corpse!] [Pen Immortal Game! Linjiang No. [-] Middle School, thirteen names.

] This kind of news began to appear on the public network, and many people read it.

And on the Internet, a lot of capable companies have begun to appear, undertaking the business of exorcism, and the fees are not low. At this point, the empire has entered a completely new era. Awakening the ability will mean crossing the class.


Many blind date requests have also become.

[Male, [-] meters tall, tall and handsome, able-bodied and above] What's more, as long as you are capable, you don't see anything else, and you don't have to talk about any requirements.

Because everyone is afraid of ghosts and monsters, if there is a capable person in the family, the safety factor will increase tenfold! Income and garage are not necessary.

Anyone who is capable will be left behind by the city where they live, at a huge cost, directly giving conditions such as a garage, and even some companies, as long as the capable person is willing to join the job, it will directly be... Eighty-ninety, 809 settling expenses.

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This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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