"In addition, Master Jiang, there is not very good news. I saw the evil Taoist a few days ago, and he went to the direction of Chenjia Village."

Zhou Banxian's tone was solemn.

"Although none of our fortune tellers can calculate you, as long as he calculates your weapon based on the method of death of the Resentful Infant, he will most likely find you, Master Jiang, please be careful, the evil Daoist is really terrible! "

Jiang Che nodded to indicate that he knew.

Then hang up the phone.

Soon he received another call from the Conspiracy Bureau.

It was Han Tian who called.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang"


"Mr. Jiang, the latest information shows that Jiang Yunni has stepped into the territory of Nanping Prefecture. Before that, she killed more than 66 people in six [-] cities. A director was in charge of chasing her, but she was so weird that she could freely enter and exit some restricted areas. The ability is very terrifying! During the escape, he killed more than three deputy directors, all of whom were + powerhouses with an energy level of over [-]."

"According to the route analyzed by the bureau, it seems that... she is coming towards Dayuan City!"

Han Tian's voice was solemn.

Inform Jiang Che of these... top-secret information.

This is also the order of the conspiracy.

"Okay I know, thank you."

"In addition, Mr. Jiang, don't worry too much, she seems to have some purpose, she should not come specifically for you, her route seems to have been determined long ago, I am afraid she is planning a big thing, as long as If you don't provoke her, there should be no problem."

Han Tian finally reminded.

"I suggest that you can leave Nanping for a while."

And Jiang Che also nodded clearly. . . .

That's right.

As long as the other party doesn't provoke you.

She shouldn't die too badly.



Jiang Che came to the south of the city, a huge private territory, very quiet inside and out. Many people have guessed that there is a big person living in it, because there was once a famous rich man in Dayuan City, who took a fancy to the feng shui here. After some tricks, in less than half a month, the boss's group company went bankrupt.

The security guards here have eyes like falcons.

Even better than some special forces.

When Jiang Che arrived, someone had been waiting here for a long time. He picked him up and entered the territory. In five minutes, he arrived at a luxurious and huge building with only Lu Yun inside.

"Little Che, this incident in Jiangwan Town was almost completed by your own power, all the elixir should be owned by you, please come over, there are still some things to tell you, it is my foundation to express our gratitude to you , the message given."

Lu Yun opened his mouth.

"First, you thwarted the Dark Alliance's plan this time. I'm afraid someone will find you in the future."

"The second is that so far, in the international scope, there have been five 55 restricted areas, out of the terrifying existence, killing blood into rivers, the most terrifying thing is that in the country of idols, a mummy came out of a pyramid, The whole country has collected some things, and actually opened the exit of the entire pyramid!"

"In the end, many countries joined forces to finally re-seal that... restricted area."

"In short, this world will become more and more dangerous ten."

Chapter [-]: Pen Immortal Game

Jiang Che nodded.

What Lu Yun said..., he also experienced it.

On the Internet, evil incidents, one after another.

The whole world is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The two talked for a while...

Jiang Che got up to say goodbye. The Foundation sent a special car to take Jiang Che back home with a few big boxes...  

at home.

Jiang Che opened a mouthful of boxes and swallowed each of the next spirit medicines, each of which had an energy of nearly 500.

It can be seen that the foundation is really sincere.

After swallowing all.

It directly brought nearly [-] energy to Jiang Che.

Jiang Che glanced at it.

[Energy]: "Since it's close to half a million."

"Let's take a look at the new features first."

"Anyway...it's only seven thousand five."

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