Unexpectedly, this young man has such a keen sense of politics.

He nodded: "That's right!"

"Five people disappeared on their way to the fifth basement of the hospital, and according to many staff, the last time they saw these missing people was when they walked in with some doctors, nurses, or people in hospital gowns. We got the elevator, but oddly enough, we didn't know the doctors, nurses, or patients."

When Zhang Xuehai said this, his tone trembled.

It's weird everywhere.

"Is there a place where patients need to go on the fifth underground floor?" Jiang Che asked.

Zhang Xuehai shook his head: "This is also a strange place. The underground of the hospital is the medical equipment warehouse, the debris storage warehouse, as well as the intensive care isolation room and the mortuary. In the past two years, the intensive isolation room has not been opened again, and the missing patients, Most of the family members wanted to go to the inpatient area on the third and fourth floors, but as soon as they entered, they pressed the fifth floor."

Jiang Che nodded: "Well, I'll go to the morgue first."

"I'll take you there. If Mr. Jiang needs anything, just tell me, I'll have someone ready!" Zhang Xuehai said immediately.

Five people are missing in the hospital, and now the family members are very unstable. If there is no explanation as soon as possible, he, the vice president, can be regarded as the end!

Under the leadership of Zhang Xuehai, Jiang Che came to the main building of the Huangchuan Third Hospital. There were still people coming and going here. Many things had already been blocked, and only high-level officials like Zhang Xuehai knew about it.

Jiang Che pressed the elevator and walked in.

"Mr. Jiang must be careful!" Zhang Xuehai just finished.

The elevator doors are about to close.

Suddenly, a female nurse came in, and Jiang Che pressed down the floor as if he didn't see Zhang Xuehai who was constantly winking at him through the gap in the elevator.

Chapter [-] Red Number Plate (new book for collection!!)

"Which floor to go to?"

Jiang Che asked casually.

"Seventh underground floor." The female nurse's voice was a little jerky.

Finish saying this.

She originally wanted to wait for this person to be stunned, and then turn her head.

Because there are only six floors underground.

As a result, she saw the man in front of her. Almost a second of reaction time was useless, and she pressed the minus three and minus four floors abnormally smoothly.

3+4=7, no problem.


A brief silence.

The nurse spoke up.

"Handsome guy, have you heard something?"

Her voice was very strange, as if it came from the friction of something, and it seemed very jerky.

"What?" Jiang Che didn't lift his head, looking at Xiaoxiaole on his phone.

"In the elevator of the hospital, if you encounter a person with a red tag on their body, be careful." The female nurse said mysteriously.

"Oh?" Jiang Che seemed to be interested, and finally raised his head and looked at the female nurse in front of him. The female nurse's face was eerily pale, without a trace of blood. Lying down, she could directly play the role of a corpse.

Suddenly Jiang Che stretched out his hand and wiped her face.

Female nurse: ? ? ?

What are you doing!

Then Jiang Che exclaimed: "You are awesome, my sister, she's actually so white, she didn't put on powder!"

Female nurse: ...

She seemed to take a deep breath, and a strange "gugu" sound came out of her throat.

"Do you know why you should be careful when you see someone with a red number plate?"

The female nurse forced the topic back on track.

Jiang Che shook his head blankly.

The female nurse twitched the corners of her mouth, revealing a very weird smile, a bit like the smile of a puppet puppet, very unnatural: "That's because the red number plates... are all hanging on the corpses. If you meet them, then It must be someone who came out of the morgue~"

After she finished speaking, she looked straight at Jiang Che.

Those eyes were motionless.

Appears extraordinarily infiltrating.

"Handsome guy, do you want to know, what kind of red number plate is it?"

The female nurse's voice suddenly seemed unusually cold.

"Think, but Miss Nurse, you are not a corpse, how could there be such a thing?" Jiang Che wondered.

The female nurse laughed.

Turning his head, he reached out and groped for a while under the collar of the pink nurse uniform, and then...

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