...What about the old lady's number plate? !

"Miss nurse, what are you looking for?" Jiang Che asked with a smile.


The nurse was stunned for a while.

At this time, Jiang Che suddenly stretched out his fist, spread it out, and a red number plate with 177 written on it appeared in his hand.

He smiled and asked, "Is this something?"

What the hell!

Why is my number plate here with him?

The nurse was shocked.


Isn't this the number plate of a morgue body?

Almost subconsciously, the female nurse stepped back and stuck directly to the corner of the elevator.

But three seconds later.

She froze suddenly.

its not right?

It seems that the old lady is the corpse!I'm afraid of hairy ah?

Ding Dong!

Just when the atmosphere between the two became more delicate.

The elevator door suddenly opened.

A doctor in a white coat and a mask walked in.

Seeing this person, the female nurse froze.

In the elevator, silence resumed.


The elevator door opened again.

Obviously it only took less than a second, but it was on another floor. Outside, it was a dark parking lot.

"Parking lot?" The male doctor frowned with some doubts: "Our hospital doesn't seem to have an underground parking lot... What is that!"

Suddenly the doctor let out a shrill cry.

And with the direction he pointed.

Jiang Che saw it.

A woman disappeared from her legs. She was dragging contiguous blood stains, her upper limbs twisted into a strange posture, and she was struggling to climb into the elevator. Her whole face was extremely distorted, and her eyes, nose, and ears were all dripping black. Blood……

It looked like someone who had been dead for several days.

"Save... help me..."

The woman is still calling for help.

"Quick! Quickly close the door! Quickly close the door!"

The male doctor seemed to be very frightened and pressed the elevator button frantically, but unfortunately, because he was too anxious, he just pressed the "wait for someone" button, causing the elevator to keep going.

Seeing that the female ghost was about to climb into the elevator.

Jiang Che moved suddenly.

He bent down and dragged the woman with only half of his body in.

"Come on, come on, this lady, you are seriously injured when you see it. It just so happens that we are going to the mortuary, and we will take you there for placement by the way."

Male doctor: ? ? ?

Female nurse: ? ? ?

People say no?

God special, I just happened to be going to the morgue, I just happened to bring you there to be placed there! ?

At first glance, I thought you were going to send someone to rescue.

That's what it said!

Not only the female nurse and the male doctor were stunned, but even the woman with the broken leg, who was howling miserably, was stupid for a while and didn't recover.

So the atmosphere in the elevator became subtle again.

Continue to sink.

On the fourth underground floor, the elevator stopped.

Door open.

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