Seeing each other and still not believing.

Jiang Che said directly: "Let's just tell you, how do you plan to take care of this little fat man in your hands?"

The chef ghost listens.

Believing it with suspicion, I began to believe Jiang Che's words.

After all, if it was a living person, it would be impossible to discuss with myself how to make people into dishes.

He immediately smirked and gestured twice on the fat man's neck: "I will cut off his head from here, then cut off the fattest meat on his body one by one, make a braised pork, and let his classmates eat it tomorrow. Go down!"

The little fat man shrank his head suddenly.

Shaking with a shiver, he stepped back.

So cruel! What a cruel ghost! He was terrified.

At this time, Jiang Che waved his hand with great disdain: "Ordinary, too ordinary."

The chef is unconvinced: "You have a better way"


Jiang 797 Che sneered, with an unfathomable smile on his face: "Sashimi! Such a fat little fat man, he must have sashimi, plucked from head to tail, rich in protein, I will use a hammer to remove his head, Then wash it in water, put it on the table, and the best ingredients are often only cooked in the simplest way.”

Little Fatty and Yu Danian, a few people went cold for a while.

Holy crap! Master, what are you doing to exorcise ghosts? Why are you suddenly discussing what to do with us and the chef ghosts seem to have different opinions.

"I don't agree with what you said, because..."

Bang!!! A sledgehammer fell without warning.

The chef ghost just turned into a puddle of meat.

Everyone was startled.

Damn, how cruel! If someone said disapproval, you were hammered to death, and Jiang Che explained: "You are not chefs, you may not understand, in our industry, if you don't agree with each other's dishes, then The only way to decide the winner is to fight."

Several people were dumbfounded.

Holy crap, the chef industry.

Is it so dangerous? Jiang Che tore it in the void, and a basketball-sized piece of paint appeared, swallowing up the ghosts and yin of the chef ghost, and on Jiang Che's arm, there were already three blood-red lines, it was the pen fairy. , Dish Fairy, Chef Ghost Power.

He had expectations.

There's definitely something wrong with this school.

There must be a not-so-simple old thing hiding in the dark.

"Let's go, take me to see other friends, I will help you coordinate and solve the relationship between people and ghosts, avoid conflicts in the future, and contribute to a harmonious society."

Jiang Che waved his hand, as if he were the director of a neighborhood committee.

But everyone looked at the sledgehammer in his hand.

The group was silent.

Your will die...on the way.

The taller student was beaming: "Master Jiang, that night was really incomparably thrilling, that female ghost, she was only [-] cm away from me at the time, she said she wanted to invite me to an off-campus barbecue stall to eat skewers, may I ask which one? Girls don't want to"

"I almost relented and agreed to her. Who knows, I was suddenly stumped by a three-digit multiplication problem. For the sake of learning and knowledge, I had to ruthlessly rejected her, returned to the dormitory, and spent three Hour 3, solve this problem, alas, who knows the next day..."

Everyone's eyes widened and their ears perked up.

I think the tall one is going to talk about the key horror story.

Then I heard him say.

"Secondly, I found out that I actually got it wrong. You are not angry."

Jiang Che raised his hammer: "Within three sentences, if you don't... I'll cut you to the bottom and throw it to the monster in the back of the school."

The tall one shuddered.

He smiled and said, "Master, I was wrong."

Then he turned serious: "The next day, Zhang Weiming from the class didn't come. He was the one who left the study room at the latest that night. I was the second to last. The police came to me, and I found out that Zhang Weiming was dead. , was made into a skewer, right at the barbecue stall where the girl, no, the ghost asked me to go! The small school gate at the back."

"Let's go, I want to see, who dares to steal the business of our cafeteria!"

Jiang Che was carrying a sledgehammer.

The group was in a hurry.

When we got to the back door of the school, there was a small gate with iron railings, which was open at this time.

Yu Danian was shocked: "This door is always closed, and it was tied with steel bars. Who opened it?"

Several people went out.

I happened to see it in a dimly lit alley.

A good-looking female student is sitting at the barbecue stall.

This barbecue stall is mobile, on a three-wheeled, black smoke, a dark-skinned middle-aged man, wearing a black and red apron, is constantly turning over the skewers on the car, and bends down from time to time, from a In the big red plastic bucket, skewer the bloody meat on a skewer and put it on the grill.

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