The face of the female student is blurred.

But I don't know why, Yu Danian, and a few students in Class [-], when they saw her, they seemed to see some acquaintances.

"Xiao Rui, I saw that you didn't come to class for several days. Is there something wrong at home?"

Yu Danian went up to say hello.

"Zheng Jie, why are you here?"

The little fat man shouted shyly.

"Gao Lu, long time no see..."


The scene was extremely weird.

Several people seem to be familiar with girls, but the names they call out are different.

The middle-aged man grinned suddenly.

"Daughter, these are your friends, hurry up and greet them to sit."

He seemed extremely enthusiastic.

The girls also came up enthusiastically and greeted a few people to sit down:.

"What kind of stall you want to eat is our own, please eat it."

The woman's voice was a little strange.

There seems to be a mix of several tones.

It's like... five or six people, talking together.

"Kidney, big waist!"

The little fat man shouted.

"Chinese chives!"

shouted the tall one.

Even Yu Danian's face flushed a bit, and he said, "Then let's get some kidneys."

A faint red mist emanated from the girl's body, and several men seemed to instantly incarnate as hungry ghosts, all swallowing their saliva.

The girl smiled proudly.

Walking up to Jiang Che: "This handsome guy has raw eyes and wants to eat something."

"Roast human meat, human liver, and human skin, without adding spicy, the original flavor is the best."

Jiang Che said casually.

The girls are all dumbfounded.

Damn, how cruel! Are you a devil? She was so frightened that she took a few steps back in panic.

I thought it was a bad guy.

You can think about it.

its not right.

Isn't that what we sell at our barbecue stalls?

What am i afraid of

Wow! !Thank you very much for your 3000vip reward! !Thank you boss! !

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] Who's Behind? (Second update ~ please subscribe)

The girl went to the grill with a sullen face.

"I ask you a question."

Jiang Che pointed at the girl: "Have you not seen her for a long time?"

Several people were stunned.

Think carefully.

Suddenly they discovered a fact that made them feel extremely chilling - the girl they remembered has been dead for a long time! "Gao Lu seems to be..."

The little fat man scratched his head, and suddenly his body froze: "Gao Lu seems to have died three months ago!"

"Xiao Rui died in the women's toilet two weeks ago."

Yu Danian frowned, feeling a chill running down his spine.

"Zheng Jie was dismembered a month ago, and I was the first to find her face in the grass."

The tall man trembled and said, "She... how did she..."

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