"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 160 energy."

The boss directly became a puddle of minced meat.

The ghosts were stunned.

My father is so strong.

After she died like this, her violent aura instantly froze, and then with tears of humiliation, she let Jiang Che turn her over at the barbecue stall, sprinkle with pepper and cumin.

the other side.

6 of them are all dumbfounded.

"Master Jiang this..."

Yu Danian hesitated: "The method of exorcism is really novel."

"It's too showy, I just roasted the ghost!"

"Just ask such a ghost master, which ghost is not afraid of"

"It's more than a ghost, I'm so scared!"

Jiang Che roasted the female ghost all at once.

It seems that the heat is not enough...., snapped his fingers.

A crimson phoenix burst out.


The female ghost let out a shrill scream. 0... Burnt to ashes.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 700 energy."

"This kind of unlicensed barbecue stall has no features at all, and it is dirty and messy. The meat on the skewers is not cooked. It really affects the city's appearance. I will call my friends in the bureau tomorrow and ban it. , you don't have to be afraid."

Jiang Che waved his hand.

The crowd stayed.

You are killing everyone else.

Say one more.

Of course.

Tucao only dares to be in my heart.

on the surface.

Clap clap clap! The crowd applauded directly, shouting that Master Jiang is arrogant, virtuous, and serves the country and the people.

Several people re-entered the school.

At this time, it was already late at night. This school, in the midsummer season, seemed a little cold. The teaching buildings, under the dark night, were like monsters. I am afraid that the entire teaching building is now just like There are a few of them.

When approaching the classroom building.

Several people swallowed their saliva.

A little chill in my heart.

It seemed that the students were walking in a hurry, and the doors and windows of some buildings were not closed properly, and they collided under the night wind, making a strange noise of 'squeak...'.

Everyone stared vigilantly at the dark windows, for fear that a human hand would suddenly stick out and catch them in! "I heard from a friend from Class [-] that the guy from Class [-] disappeared last month."

At this time, a somewhat comical Trump voice suddenly said: "That's right... When I went back to the school building to pick up things at night, I was suddenly dragged into 4 by a pale hand in the surveillance camera.

5 to go.

"The next morning, that person died tragically in the classroom, staring out the window with his eyes full of horror."

Several people were a little scared.

"Xu Tianming, can you say something special, you still think it's not enough...infiltrating people"

The tall man said angrily.

Xu Tianming's voice is very characteristic.

A few people can hear it at once.


Xu Tianming, who was walking behind Jiang Che, was taken aback for a moment: "Isn't it just now that you are learning from me?"


Sudden stagnation.

Because although usually, everyone likes to imitate Xu Tianming, but in this situation, no one has this mood.

Just now, no one learned to speak like Xu Tianming! The tall man at the end suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

Xu Tianming is not behind him, he is behind him.

who is it

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