Chapter [-] Exorcism, the most important thing is the momentum! (The third update ~ The world view is opened, and the whole people are awakened)

The tall student, Liu Zicheng, swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, turned his head slowly, and looked at the source of the voice from the corner of his eye.

Inside the classroom window, a bloody, skinned face showed him a warm smile.

"Hey, you're here, and I'll be free."

The blood-faced ghost was extremely excited.

Liu Zicheng's body was cold, and he opened his mouth to scream, but he couldn't make a sound.

He finally knew why the victim stared out of the window in that incident.

He's looking for the next scapegoat! And now.

Just happened to bump into it.

An icy hand touched his throat at some point, Liu Zicheng was about to cry, his body was shaking like a pendulum, but he couldn't say a word.

Just at this time.

A big, powerful hand suddenly grabbed the pale arm that stretched out from the window.

And the other big hand, smashed the glass, and directly pinched the bloody face.

The power of the big hand was astonishing, twisting and deforming the entire bloody face.

Jiang Che grinned: "I got you guys."

"Liu Zicheng, go up and do them!"

Liu Zicheng was stunned.

1 Look at the scene in front of you.

I can't tell the weird shit in my heart! Master Jiang is so cruel! I love it! Maybe this is what people often say about the hunk, "Stay in a daze and fuck them on the hairline!"

Jiang Che shouted.

Liu Zicheng hesitated: "But... but Master Jiang, I, I don't dare."

"Exorcism is sometimes... It's so simple, you have to overwhelm the other party in terms of momentum. In this way, you and I are also destined. I will give you some magic tools. Teacher Yu, go get one: come out with a stool."

Jiang Che said.

Several people suddenly lit up.

If you can get the magic tool from the master, it is simply too awesome.

Yu Danian immediately rushed into the classroom and took out a stool.

Jiang Che kicked down, the stool was torn apart, and at the same time, a faint light flashed, and the energy was used up at 10:[-].

Damn, this is the magic weapon and several people were stunned.

"Take a piece each, go up and do them and you're done!"

Jiang Che encouraged.

Liu Zicheng was hesitant at first, but when he thought that he almost died here just now, his eyes suddenly turned red, he gasped for a few breaths, touched the leg of a stool, and rushed into the classroom.

Bang!! A muffled sound came.


A ghost screamed: "How dare you!"

Bang bang bang!! "Ahhhh!"

A very rough voice came from inside.

The two ghosts screamed so horribly that they could not love each other.

The rest look at it.

His eyes lit up immediately.

Damn it! It's really possible that the little fatty picked up a stool leg and rushed in first, and the rest of the people did the same. The devil who can move it, just mess around.

Directly put two ghosts.

Doing it: ooh ooh.


"Wrong, wrong!"

"Stop fighting, bro."

"Who blew my father to death for killing your grandson!"

"Forgive me"

"It can't be really can't be there..."

throughout the campus.

Two specters resounded, shrill, tragic screams, it was almost a smell of sadness, and the listeners wept.

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