"Fuck, so arrogant!"

"No matter how ruthless he is, he can fight against the empire"

"This old thing is too bold, I really want to be wanted"

"But he does have arrogant strength."

"No matter how strong he is, how can he be able to win this lineup with two levels and dozens of levels?"

"It's hard to say..."

Luo Ji's face was also sinking.

He has experienced countless battles, and even fought back and forth with things that came out of the restricted area, and he was not afraid to face the ancient zombies all over the mountains and plains.

But alone.

this person in front of you.

It turned out to be giving him a feeling that it was very difficult to even shoot.

"The conspiracy represents the will of the empire, you really dare to do it"

Luo Ji said in a deep voice.


The evil Taoist smiled: "If the director is out, who can stop the old man?"

"I'll say the last thing, get out or die."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned.


"What an arrogant old thing!"

"One day, with a knife in hand, I will kill all the dogs in the world."

"He's not... pretending to be forceful, or even saying that, it's already very modest."

"Hey, if this kind of powerhouse returns to the right path, how many evils will it live in? It's a pity that it stands on the opposite side of the empire."

"There should be a strong person in the empire, and Director Wang Luo can hold it."

"What, it's really good to have strength!"

Many water friends are for Luo Ji and others, Khan.

And the other side.

Luo Ji's voice was as deep as Bing: "All departments are prepared, this person is comparable to a top-level evil, and he must not be allowed to enter the city, otherwise Dayuan City is in danger, the bureau will notify Fang Qian and the high-level commissioner as soon as possible, Qiu Wu will come over, and the rest , swear to stop him!"

Hear his orders.

There was a hint of coldness on the evil Daoist's face.

"The old man is just here to kill someone, why do you have to die?"

Luo Ji didn't say a word, and slowly raised his hand, three-foot green fronts, and violent hurricanes rose up.

A gust of wind whirling at high speed.

Condensed on the long sword.

Qi Yuan, likewise, held an eight-meter ice-cold sword high, and a cold glow appeared in his eyes. His injuries had not yet recovered, but the place where he was hospitalized happened to be close to here, so he was the first to rush over.


The evil Daoist snorted coldly, as if he was a little annoyed by the uncooperative...

He stepped out.

It turned out to be directly over a distance of more than [-] meters.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Luo Ji.

The eagle's claw-like hand was surrounded by a black energy, and the entire hand was actually in a state of mixed gold and black as it grabbed towards Luo Ji's throat.

"Wind Slash, Kill!!"

Luo Ji roared angrily.

A sword stabbed out.

The terrifying whirlwind can tear almost everything apart.

The air burst.

The long sword slammed into the hand of the evil Taoist.

However... bang!!! Horrible explosion.

The smoke dissipated.

Everyone is stupid.

I saw the evil Taoist, with one hand, crushed the... cyan long sword.

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