In his hand, a black force repaired the slight wound, and it returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

All the sailors were stunned.


"What the hell is this, physically resisting Director Luo with a sword."

"Luo Ji is known as the killing sword. Its ability is to condense a terrifying whirlwind. Its lethality is terrifying, comparable to a high-precision pulse machine. It can also block it."

"Didn't you find out, the skin of the evil Daoist?"

"Gold is the golden corpse, and black is the black zombie. He is in the process of transforming the golden corpse into the black zombie. Once it succeeds, it will only be a tickling if the strategic powerhouse bombards him."

"It's so scary"

At this time, Qi Yuan's whole body was cold and frozen.

Under the slashing of the eight-meter sword, fierce snowflakes flew.

A knife slashed hard on the body of the evil Daoist.

Bang!! This knife seems to have slashed on some kind of alloy.

And those... snowflakes, they couldn't even make an inch.

The evil Daoist squeezed his hand again, and his sharp claws directly pierced the ice with a big knife.

Then he opened his mouth and spit out a black-red suffocating aura, and with a 'bang', Qi Yuan was smashed into the air.

797 Qi Yuan fell to the ground, curled up in pain, his face pale, as if something had invaded.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned:.


"This is so...insta-kill!"

"It's too fake."

"Is that human being"

"What the hell is that black and red thing?"

"The spirit of resentment can only be refined by gathering the nine types of people who have died the most resentment. Just a little bit can make a level powerhouse feel unbearable, and within half a month, he will go mad and die."

"Qi Yuan is probably useless."

"Evil Daoists are too vicious, right? If they make a move, they will kill people."

"Fuck, if it goes on like this, won't the conspiracy be unbearable, Dayuan City is over?"

Many people in Dayuan City are worried.

Suddenly, a font was played by a red barrage.

"I happen to be near Dayuan City, I will go there."

when this popup appears.

All the water friends were completely blown away.

"Fuck,!! Another high-level boss"

"And with the red font, this must be a + threat-level terrifying powerhouse."

"Which one is it"

"This--the puppet master, what the hell, it seems to be the big boss Ye Ming!!"

"The Puppet Master, Ye Ming"

"This wave is stable, a puppet of Ming Boss can kill an evil spirit, and he is still afraid of an evil Taoist"

Chapter [-] Fusion - Hellfire Suppressing Prison Hammer! (The third update, sorry for the miscalculation)

The capable person in the barrage seems to be very confident about... this big guy named Ye Ming.

And this time.

Evil Daoist in an almost crushing attitude.

Move on.

His tyrannical body was like a tank, slamming into Luo Ji's body.

Luo Ji stared, a layer of wind gang protecting his body.

This kind of wind can almost block the impact of the missile.

But it was easily torn apart by the evil daoist, knocked out, and crashed into a huge pit.

On the body of the evil Daoist, a layer of dark power slowly entered the surface of the body, and he looked around, his expression was flat: "This old man should be the leader, and the world will be devastated, and you are so small, why should you be afraid!"

A loud drink.

Conspiracy powerhouse.

They spit out a mouthful of blood.

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