"This is a Buddhist secret technique - the lion's roar."

Someone in the barrage recognized it.

"I am afraid that this evil Taoist has learned a lot, and his cards are not simple zombies and resentment!"

"It's too scary"

"Seeing that there was no black qi just now, I am afraid that the path he took was extremely terrifying. He did not follow the route of Zongzu, and he was not evolving into a black zombie, but a more violent thing - Kui. "

"Once this kind of thing appears, the world will be in chaos!"

the other side.

The wicked walk.

Going to Luo Ji: "The old man said that you can live a few more years if you don't do it, since you do it..."

"Then be damned."

The big hand fell.

Sigh! Easily penetrate Luo Ji's body.

Everyone looked gloomy.

in the live room.

Deputy Director of Qingshan City.

Jiang Hongjie, angrily said, "This matter cannot be easily resolved. The Bureau of Conspiracy will dispatch the director to take action and hunt down the evil Taoist to the ends of the earth!!"

All the water friends turned their heads.

No matter how terrifying this wicked man is.

The empire only needs to do it.

Then there is no way for him to survive! But some people also revealed the gossip: "The evil Taoist has a strong background, some people say that he originally came from a restricted area, and behind him stood an old ghost king or even a real chief, that one Revered Lao Kui, if he evolves into a scorpion, he will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods, this is a great backer!"

But immediately someone from the empire snorted coldly.

"Don't say it hasn't become a god, even if it does become a god, it must die!"

And the other side.

The evil Daoist's arm pierced Luo Ji's body, but his face was cold for three points.

Because of that body, it immediately turned into a puppet.

"Little girl, do you dare to get involved and think you have a long life?"

His icy voice penetrated the night sky.

And the dark depths of this wasteland.

Five 55 spooky wooden puppets.

With a stiff posture, he walked slowly.

One of the puppets was carrying Luo Ji on its arm, and the five puppets suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the evil Taoist.

They stepped on the ground and made a loud 'dong dong dong' sound, as if giants were running, obviously their strength was extremely powerful.

in the popup.

Instant screen burst.

"Brother Ming is here! Zhu Xie retreats."

"She's here, she's here, she's taking it!"

"Go on!"

But after the battle started.

The result was not as expected by the water friends, Ye Ming crushed the evil Taoist.

On the contrary, this powerful and well-known + boss was instantly destroyed by the evil Taoist as a puppet, and even his body was found, slapped, and almost lost his combat effectiveness.


"No way, Big Brother Ming is not an opponent either."

"She's real + strong."

Well in the end.

Ye Ming turned his hands and found five 55 puppets.

Some of the powerhouses of the conspiracy also rushed forward with gritted teeth.

Under the siege of a bunch of people, he was finally able to survive and procrastinate a little under the hands of the evil Daoist.

The barrage suddenly became extremely anxious.

"Quick, what other strong people are there in Dayuan City?"

"Just get in touch."

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