The end of the earth.

Suddenly, there were bursts of terrifying footsteps, with sonic booms, and rumbling towards here.

This sound is weird.

As if a giant was galloping.

It's like a plane flying at low altitude.

To put it simply: fast to the extreme, heavy to the extreme.

Hearing it makes me feel suffocated...

"Fuck, something is coming."

"Chugou, you are actually playing in the wild, why the needlework camera shakes so much."

Chu Liuqing didn't bother to type anymore, and shouted directly: "I'm shaking my ass, the ground is shaking so much, it's comparable to an earthquake of magnitude [-], I'm so scared now, is there a Godzilla running over?"

in his heart.


And along with the end of the earth, a violent smoke swept across.

The wicked man narrowed his eyes.

Fingers pinched, his eyes suddenly widened - death omen! The evil Taoist gasped unwillingly, the power of the corpse in his body surged wildly, and the ancient talismans burned from under the evil Taoist's robe, he His muscles were bulging, his whole body had tripled in size, and his blood vessels were cracked one by one.

A face became: extremely ferocious, not like a human at all.

The wicked man of the moment.

Completely transformed into a... terrifying beast.

Almost all of the golden body turned dark.

"Fuck, I forcibly entered a state of drought!"

"This is the King of Zombies."

"Things that only exist in legends are too scary"

"With this momentum, a sneeze can kill Lao Tzu."

A highly perceptive level-capable person sighed with emotion.

There are also pop-up doubts.

"Evil Daoist broke out in this state, what is he afraid of?"

The crowd looked condensed.

At the end of the earth, a furious roar was heard.

"Underworld! Prison! Town! Heaven! How many times!"

Chapter [-] Shock the sky, kill in seconds! ! (The first update, sorry for the big guys, plus one more apology)

At the same time as this roar sounded.

The earth suddenly shook violently, with a bang!

The ground around him was half an inch shorter! The sky above the evil Taoist suddenly darkened, and the bright moonlight was blocked.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Face full of disbelief.

"This is so..."

"It's too fantastical"

"Seriously suspect that it is a special effects movie made by Chu Gou."

"Nima's fake live broadcast, report it!!"

Many water friends in the live broadcast room could hardly believe their eyes.

Many people doubted the authenticity of the live broadcast.

I saw that above that piece of sky, a five-meter sturdy man leaped high, his hand was like a black dragon, fifteen-meter ferocious giant hammer, violently blasted out, one side was two hundred meters in diameter, and the hell scene was burning with fire. It is... emerges, there are thousands of ghosts wailing, and groups of demons are ravaging.

The hell is very vague, but one after another terrifying aura, even if it is far away, "Seven Nine, Seven"

, all made everyone look stunned and their backs shivered.

'Pfft!' A few hundred meters away, some capable people could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

When hell appeared.

It was as if there was a forbidden abyss.

weighed on everyone.

"Fuck, this is really a capable person, not a Doudi strong"

"I can feel a terrifying pressure across the screen."

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