"Chugou, is your mother-in-law okay?"

"What a shit!"

Chu Liuqing said in a trembling voice, "I'm so scared now."

Now everyone, whether it's the capable ones or the troops stationed on the other side, are all crazy, running towards the distance.

And the other side.

The flesh and blood of a wicked man.

Exploding inch by inch.

He stepped on the ground, erupted with terrifying power, and said in a low voice: "Which master is in front of me, I am the restricted area of ​​Spring Mountain, a man under King Longquan Zongwang, General Longquan has reached the half-dead state, Your Excellency think twice!!"

The barrage was suddenly shocked.

"Fuck, no wonder."

"No wonder the evil Daoist killed so many people, and they have been safe and sound."

"It turned out to be an ancient general of Longquan."

"That's second only to the five strongest forbidden areas in the country, the lord of the sixth forbidden area!"

"And that one, but once stepped out of the restricted area, and then the five directors, plus an ancestor who came down from Qilin Peak joined forces to press it back!"

"It's so scary."

"What's going to happen to that guy..."

The barrage is just halfway through.

Just when they thought Jiang Che would at least hesitate for a moment.

Bang!!!! A loud bang has exploded.

The terrifying aftermath swept across a radius of two kilometers, that is, the surrounding area of ​​more than three million square meters.

The vast underworld fire swept wildly, demonic energy, ghostly power, and madly vibrated, almost tearing apart the space.

There are a lot of ability people who haven't had time to rush out of this range.

Just got kicked out.

Fortunately, this is just the residual aftermath, and no one was injured.

The loud rumbling sound lasted for more than a minute, which was vaguely mixed with a shrill scream.

When the terrifying smoke and dust slowly dissipated.

A terrifying crater with a diameter of one kilometer, like a crater bombed by a nuclear bomb, appeared in front of everyone.

The potholes are hundreds of meters deep.

After being poured into water, it can almost become a miniature inland sea.

In the huge pit, Jiang Che, a giant with six wings and a height of more than five meters behind him, raised his sledgehammer, and said with some doubts, "Can't he just say something louder? The vocal cords are at home."

His voice was extremely thick, like thunder.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

That's why you were so unhesitating.

It's actually because I didn't hear the words of the evil Taoist.

on the way here.

Judging from the information given by Li Yuanyu.

Jiang Che has already understood that this evil Taoist is likely to be one of the top experts in the class, and it is even unknown that he may even burst out with an approaching fear force.

Jiang Che looked like a reckless man.

In fact, he is quite a brave player.

So he used the silver card early, Di Jiang.

And Di Jiang has no ears, eyes, mouth, nose, and eyes. This does not mean that Jiang Che will become: lose his facial features, but Di Jiang card, for... The five senses will not be strengthened.

That is to say.

Jiang Che had just been in the middle of a battle that had reached the pinnacle.

Only have a sense of their own level.

Under all kinds of terrifying pressure and the rushing wind.

lead to Jiang Che.

I didn't hear what the wicked man said at all.

The barrage was collectively silent for a moment.

It exploded immediately.

"I'm a darling!"

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