"Inherit the Dijiang Beast Soul."

"Ding, do you spend 1 energy to inherit the Dijiang beast soul forever?"

Jiang Che was shocked.

"Fuck, so expensive"

It seems that the option of inheriting the beast soul must be reserved for some truly irreplaceable and powerful beast souls.

After all, one hundred thousand energy.

You can directly draw ten silver cards.

"Let's inherit an ability - control the darkness."

In ancient legends, Emperor Jiang was originally a monster of the dark family, and the control of... the dark is one of its characteristic abilities.

"Ding, do you spend 1 amount of promise to permanently inherit the power of Emperor Jiang - darkness?"


With [-] energy spent.

Jiang Che's thoughts moved.

His eyes immediately turned pitch black.

It is night now.

But he felt that he was more sensitive than in the daytime, and almost every corner of the night could not escape his perception.

"Good thing! With this ability, I can better hunt down ghosts."

Jiang Che was very satisfied.

Then he fell asleep.

Jiang Che had already discussed with Luo Ji before, and Dayuan City would apply for a place for him to jump the queue. Two days later, the restricted area, the death platform, would be opened, and a new batch of challengers would be sent in.

Jiang Che will leave tomorrow.

Go to Lincangzhou, Le'an City.

There is a death penalty area that countless people talk about.

One that connects the intersection of dream and reality - death platform! That is.

Paradise of despairing wills.

The living, hell!

Chapter [-] According to the latest news from this reporter (the third update ~ please subscribe)

There are very few people in the train station.

And the people who come and go have eyes like hawks and falcons, and they are very sharp.

When Jiang Che walked over, there was a strange man in a sweater covering his entire face behind him.

As soon as Jiang Che entered the station, there were almost a dozen people all looking over.

The strange man behind him froze suddenly.

Then, turn around and run.

More than a dozen people all smiled indifferently.

Do good every day.

Another innocent person was saved.

I'm really in a good mood...Fuck,! Why did his smile suddenly freeze.

It turned out that the dozen or so capable people were nodding their heads in relief.

They saw it.

Jiang Che turned around and chased after him, shouting: "You stop, you've been following me all the way, will you die if you take two more steps, come and come, let's go to the toilet and talk."

Then he stiffened.

dragged the man into the toilet.

At the moment when the hood of the sweater came off, many people saw that this person had no head.

A muffled sound came from the toilet.

Jiang Che took a sledgehammer and walked out with a contented face.

Damn, all the capable people were stunned.

Are you still a person? It's too cruel! Check the ticket and get on the bus soon.

The whole car of 797 was only filled with two carriages.

Jiang Che turned on his phone, ready to see the information on the death platform.

But inadvertently, I saw two popular news on Lingtan.com.

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