[Shocked! The woman who walked out of Long Duan Ancient Tomb set foot in three 3 restricted areas, actually for this thing...] [Terror! The big men of Yaoshan beat their heads and blood, but it was because of] Jiang Che:...you guys What a title party is too dog! The first one.

It is written like this.

A few days ago, a terrifying woman emerged from the ancient tomb of Long Duan. She slaughtered living beings, swallowed corpses, and was seriously injured. The two forbidden areas seem to have some purpose.

And just half a day ago, the editor hacked into the database of the Bureau of Conspiracy again, tracked the news about the woman, and suddenly found a very shocking news that the woman actually entered the outside of Dayuan City, that... the strangeness leading to the depths of the ground. tunnel.

This time, the top executives of the empire seemed to be very anxious, and sent a large number of strong men to contain them, and even from the northwest frontier to guard the frontier of the empire and prevent the invasion of the strange world. She was determined to arrest the woman.

At present, the editor of this station is continuing to follow up and report, and will promptly release the latest news from major databases to report this matter for everyone.

This is news from two days ago.

Seeing Jiang Che's mouth twitching.

Your special mother is too beautiful. The latest news is that this is actually the spiritual energy. After the recovery, many people have awakened to various strange abilities. Many industry caps in the past have long been broken.

For example, this one may have awakened the ability of hackers. Even if the talents of the empire are strong, can they still stop the capable ones?

And below the message.

There are four top comments in the comment area, this is an update from the editor of Xiuer.

A day and a half ago: According to the latest news that I got hacked from the Foundation, this matter is somewhat similar to China in idolatry, and the upper echelons of the empire seem to have the same concerns.

A day ago: According to the latest news from the dark web hacked by the editor half an hour ago, it seems that the woman has forced some capable people to buy a lot of strange things on the dark web. According to the editor’s inference, this matter is likely to be very Serious, even a danger of a restricted area going completely out of control.

Another digression, the darknet seems to have begun to offer a reward to the editor, sent a killer to do the editor, the old irons replied with 666, tonight I will reveal the fruit photos of the top of the network.

Half a day ago: According to the latest news from the editor from the empire, they have dispatched the Internet police, but I will not be afraid, can you still... ten minutes before half a day ago: Hello everyone, we are The Imperial Internet Monitoring Center has already arrested the suspect. In addition, since the news has been released, the Empire will not withdraw it. By the way, the string of garbled characters just now was when we pressed this... Mr. Hacker's head on the keyboard. Come out, don't care, I wish you a happy online, obey the law, goodbye.

Comment section below.

Serial: Jiang Che also silently typed out a statement expressing his admiration for this young hero.

Then he looked at another message.

It turned out to be posted by an acquaintance, from the Dayuan City elixir exchange group, [they forced me to be an undercover] This is a powerhouse who has awakened the ability of animal transformation.

Forced to go to Yaoshan to be an undercover agent.

The post is written like this: The photo of the fox demon taking a bath has been updated. On my personal homepage, I want to pay [-] to enter the homepage to get the opening crit.

"This kind of behavior is really too immoral, alas, I don't know if it's a loss of morality or a dereliction of duty in education!"

Jiang Che strongly condemned this kind of behavior.

Then open.

[Selling Girls' Little Match]: "There's a wave of undercover fox demon photos, and it's too much to charge an old friend."

The other side came back in seconds.

[They forced me to be an undercover agent]: "Small business, no credit will be given. The match boss will give you a 99% discount when your name is so rude:."

[Girl's Little Match]: "So, how about I exchange a nice picture of a big baby with you?"

The other party suddenly became interested.

When both parties receive the picture.

Jiang Che nodded in satisfaction, and after a good tasting, he learned about the characteristics of fox monsters in various aspects, so as to avoid being confused in the future. This is a true powerhouse, and he is always thinking about improving himself anytime, anywhere.

the other side.

The undercover were stunned.

You are still the big baby you said.

Just a hammer and suddenly.

Just when he was filled with righteous indignation, he suddenly thought of one thing, last night's live broadcast... "No, why does this hammer look so familiar?"

"Fuck, it's the big seraph!"

"It turns out that the boss is by your side!!"

The undercover were stunned.

He looked at Jiang Che's again, his eyes were burning with fire, he didn't lick it at this time, but he was extremely decisive.

Wave your finger.

More than [-] beautiful pictures were all sent to the past.

"Master Matchstick, please taste it and learn about these... The weakness of female monsters, to prepare for your liberation of Yaoshan in the future."

The undercover agent said very politely.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up on the other side.

Inside, spider monsters, snake monsters, etc..., one is more enchanting than the other, full of exotic style, and there are rabbit-eared girls, cat-eared girls, everything, and these... are all genuine! Bathing pictures.

"Very good, undercover, you are very good, and there is one more thing I want to know. Those... Yaoshan bosses are blushing, what are they for?"

Jiang Che asked directly.

Wow!Thank you God of War 588vip for the reward! !Sprinkle flowers~

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