Before leaving, Luo Ji explained it to Jiang Che.

In many places, places in the restricted area have to be robbed, and some ruthless people will kill those who want to go to the same restricted area, creating a vacancy, and then send their own people to fill it.

He told Jiang Che that if he encounters such a person at that time, he must not get angry, just pinched him to death, and if he hits it down, the train will be gone.

"You are looking for me"

Jiang Che said lightly.

Xu Zhen nodded, with an apologetic smile on his fair face: "Brother, I just saw that you are very good, so I came to flatter, I hope you can go in, if it goes smoothly, you can help me, or at least , don't be right... I'll take action."

The opponent is very direct.

Also very smart.

"Do you have any additional information about this place?"

Jiang Che asked.

It is impossible for the other party to speak vernacular, just to make himself have a good impression of her.

Although Jiang Che has already seen it.

This is a sister paper.

Xu Zhen's eyes lit up, he pulled Jiang Che to the other... cut off the carriage, and whispered: "To tell the truth, brother, I have done a lot of analysis, as long as you are willing to form an alliance with me... Oh brother, you Don't go, discuss it again, as long as you promise not to attack me after entering."

Looking at Jiang Che who turned his head and left.

Xu Zhen immediately changed his mind.

Jiang Che came back and sat down again: "These... The so-called intelligence and analysis, those people outside, you have already chased 4.

5 have been found."

Although the other party pretended to be, pulling him to this carriage.

But Jiang Che is also someone like a weasel who has survived for over a hundred years. His realm of thought has always been a man on the fifth floor! Xu Zhen was stunned, this person was the last to come, how did he know, "And I didn't If you guess wrong, the things you give are indeed useful, but there are also critical moments where you can cheat them."

Jiang Che continued to speak.

Xu Zhen's eyes widened this time, his face full of disbelief, there was a feeling that his IQ was being crushed.

She was silent, not wanting to admit it.

Jiang Che continued to say at this time, "I want the most real thing, and if it's really useful, you can follow me after you go in, and you can come out alive."

Calm and confident tone.

Without a doubt.

Xu Zhen's eyes flickered.

Chapter [-] Rules of the Game (the fifth update ~ please subscribe!)

She pondered for more than ten minutes, and seemed to have made a difficult choice for a long time.

"Brother Xingjiang, I will tell you everything I know!"

Xu Zhen looked sincere.

Jiang Che looked out of the window without saying a word, the other party's words would definitely be a bit tricky, but he didn't care, all he wanted was to understand the rules of the place so that he could hunt down the ghosts inside.

What the other party is saying now, if everything is normal.

She follows herself, but she lives.

If there is a pit, then the death will also be her own.

"This restricted area was only opened recently. It seems that the strategic powerhouse guarding here has been selected and removed, so it has to be released... Here, let some idle ability people harass the things inside to ensure that they are I don't think about rushing out."

Xu Zhen said.

"More than half a month after the death platform was opened, it was opened more than ten times. A total of more than [-] people entered. Only [-] people came out alive. Among them, there were still a small number of people who died shortly after they came out, and only three of them died. Personally, I have gained a benefit, a huge benefit."

Xu Zhen's eyes gleamed: "Among them, some people jumped directly from the rank to become an evil-level boss, and some people got a third-grade elixir, and the other person is even more terrifying, that is a A high-ranking boss, he was directly promoted more than ten days after he came out in 05, and was later recruited by the foundation."

"But this restricted area is very strange. Everyone who came out has lost their memory."

"The three sentences you saw just now are exactly the three powerhouses who have benefited from it. When they first came out, they said it separately. What's even more strange is that in a few days, they themselves will not remember themselves. Having said these words, it is as if all the experience of entering the platform of death, for them, is... a dream!"

This aroused Jiang Che's interest.

To say that a restricted area can kill a level powerhouse is too normal.

But those who were about to break through to the level of ability were inexplicably erased from memory.

This is something to be wary of.

"My ability is to see what the deceased has seen. Those who... died shortly after they came out, I tried my best to see them."

Xu Zhen said solemnly.

"And in their eyes, what I see has been pieced together into a broken picture, which can be roughly composed, part of the rules of the death platform!"

This sentence.

This made Jiang Che sit up straight.

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