This kind of information can be very useful.

Xu Zhen squinted his eyes, sighed, and finally said in a deep voice: "On that platform, or should be called the platform, there is a train with ten sections of tracks, and each section can only take ten people at most 10. "

"The train will take the Challenger to five 55 places."

"A day in every place."

"Those places are all incomparably dangerous, hiding terrifying weirdness, evil spirits, at least they are of the highest order, and there are a lot of them!"

Xu Zhen finished speaking.

He stared at Jiang Che closely.

Trying to find a trace of fear in his eyes.

Then he saw that the other's eyes lit up.

She was stunned for a long time before continuing: "The best thing here is that when a challenger is in an area, after more than half a day, there will be an unmatched, powerful and brutal prisoner."

"These... The supervisors are all incomparably strong and different-level ghosts."

"They are also death platforms, part of the will. In that world that doesn't know if it's illusory or real, they will be extremely terrifying and ferocious, and some high-level bosses don't want to provoke them!"

"And the rules of the game are.... The challenger needs to hide, the manager finds it, and the train starts again after a day, but if it really depends on waiting, it is almost a certain death. I am afraid that many people will die."

"In fact, the challenger can experience some strange events in the area, and find some obsessions of ghosts. Each time they find one, they can speed up the train's starting time and make it go to the next area faster."

"As long as everyone works together to endure the horror of strange events and follow the rules of the game, there is a very small chance that you can find all the obsessions in half a day, so that the supervisor will not appear at all."

"But that creates another problem because every time the train starts again, a car is dropped."

Xu Zhen's eyes narrowed: "That is to say, even if a bunch of passers-by and kings cooperate, they can get the highest score every time, and in the end they must be dead. At this time, it is... the challengers are killing each other."

That's exactly it.

Where the rules of the game are the cruelest.

When the team has to kill each other, in the next area, everyone will lose mutual trust and become: more and more scattered, and eventually everyone will die in it with unwillingness to become the nourishment of this strange world.

After Jiang Che finished listening.

Suddenly asked: "Kill the supervisor, what will happen?"

Xu Zhen: You are too fierce! She thought about this question when she came up, and she said solemnly: "According to the memory fragments of some corpses, it is true that fierce people have beheaded the supervisor, but what follows is... ... The stronger supervisor, more cruel and bloody, directly tore the fierce man who was famous in the outside world into pieces of meat!"

The stronger supervisor Jiang Che's eyes brightened.

He vaguely felt.

This place must be super interesting.

The ghosts inside are probably all talents.

When he got there, it must have been as if he had gone home.

"And that's all"

"That's all, Brother Jiang."

Xu Zhen lowered his head and said, Jiang Che couldn't see her expression: "But what I saw were also broken pieces, I'm afraid there are other rules, I can't guarantee it."

This man has a complicated mind.

There must have been something hidden.

But Jiang Che didn't care.

In front of the sledgehammer, all intrigues and tricks are vain.

Besides, what he wanted to do when he came here this time, 797 didn't follow the rules of the game, even if there were pitfalls in her words, those… pits, would definitely be smoothed out by him one by one.

One of the main questions Jiang Che is thinking about now is.

"What kind of strength do you think the owner of this restricted area must be?"

Hear this question.

Xu Zhen's body trembled fiercely: "Brother Jiang, don't mess around, I heard that it is a tenth-generation resentful soul, and only such a thing can lead countless unjust spirits, evil ghosts, and use all the most vicious and resentful spirits. The will of the people who make up the world of this death platform, to construct these... cruel rules!"

"It's okay, I'll ask."

Jiang Che said with a smile.

But his smile always made Xu Zhen feel shivering.

It was like facing a devil.

After half a day.

The train arrives at Lincangzhou, Le'an City.

More than a dozen capable people got on the bus sent by the empire, and after more than three hours, they arrived in an old city that was deserted for a long time.

All the residents around here, it can even be said that half of the people in Le'an City on this side have been transferred to the other side.

And here.

A very eye-catching, huge building was built. It was a circle of cement walls with a thickness of [-] meters, which tightly wrapped a large area of ​​the city.

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