Jiang Che waved his sledgehammer: "Look at my hammer, I also need a sister paper to cast the hammer with my body, this old man sees your exquisite bones, it's a good piece of material: Why don't you come and become my hammer spirit. "

"Come on, you only need a hammer, you can become a hammer spirit, from then on, you will be immortal and immortal, and you will live forever!"


He rushed up with a sledgehammer.

The ghosts were stunned.

You are a dog, God, what a hammer spirit, what is it that you want to make me your ghost under the hammer!! "Roar!!"

The witch roared angrily.

The hideous face was full of resentment.

She stirred up violent power all over her body, and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Che, her figure turned into blood-red afterimages.

Her arm is covered with a layer of extremely condensed black and red power, almost reaching the level of red clothes, the ultimate strength, incomparably terrifying.

the other side.

Jiang Che raised his hammer high.

It suddenly enlarged into a [-]-meter giant hammer.

At the same time, a violent force burst out from his body.

A sonic boom was smashed into the air.

The ghosts were stunned.

Damn, this is too big!! She was smashed by a sledgehammer before she had time to express her final emotion.

Boom!!! A loud bang.

The fire raged.

Jiang Che's current basic strength is enough to single-handedly kill some ordinary evil spirits.

It couldn't be easier to kill a red shirt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 800 energy."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered: "This place is a bit evil. A Specter with an energy level of [-] can exert its power to the limit of the level. If this is a real top-level red-clothed, it must not burst out with evil-level power."

"What's more, after this scene, there will be real evil spirits."

"How scary are those things?"

Think here.

Jiang Che didn't care anymore, and started to make some preparations.

He took out the... white jade bottle.


"Ding, do you spend 2 energy to strengthen the Nine Dragons White Jade Pill?"


Kowloon Baiyu Dan + 1 Jiang Che: Nine Dragons cultivate spirituality, Baiyu will continue to live - heal and heal: any injury of ordinary people will be healed within half a day.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up: "Continue to strengthen."



"Ding, do you spend 20 energy to strengthen the Nine Dragons White Jade Pill + 5 Jiang Che?"


Accompanied by a burst of white light.

The medicine pill in his hand exudes a strange fragrance.

Jiulong Huitian Pill: Drop one pill, the dragon and the tiger will be fierce - Huitian, the spirit will heal: the next life, all injuries, recover 90% Huitian: the next life, the blood, the energy will be restored to 90% "Fuck, so Is it cool?"

Jiang Che was shocked.

What's so special? With these six medicinal pills, Jiang Che is very confident that the death platform will not be chaotic. Jiang has the final say! He had some concerns before, after all, his energy is limited, If it is too rough in the first few areas, there will be no strength in the back.

one more.

You can also get hurt yourself.

And the special ability of Divine Armor: Indestructible.

Of course, it is awesome, and you can directly reply to the full state.

But it can only be used once a day.

The six pills now gave Jiang Che enough confidence.


Jiang Che then looked at the fat man on the ground: "Fat man, the upgrade service is already in place, what about the agreed reward?"

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