Zheng Yunlong had a bitter look on his face: "Brother, I really don't have it. Not long after I came in, the team was attacked by some ghosts, and everyone just dispersed. I didn't get anything at all."

"Brother put down the hammer, there is something to say, there is something to gain, and I really have something to gain."

Zheng Yunlong hurriedly said.

He took it out of his arms with a painful face, and took out a small vermilion grass, with fluorescent light flashing on the grass, and Jiang Che could smell a fresh medicinal fragrance from far away.

"Good stuff!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up: "Brother, are you really going to use this thing to repay my life-saving grace? Will it be too precious?"

Zheng Yunlong grimaced: "Brother, can I say no?"


Jiang Che said loudly, "Then I just saved this life, so let's kill it."

"As the saying goes, the grace of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, brother, you underestimate me too much!"

Zheng Yunlong patted his chest: "I, Zheng Yunlong, are also a sturdy man. I always say one thing. I said I would give you this elixir. If you don't want it, then... look down on me!"

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Wow! !Thank you very much for the 500vip Wulian! !Boss has spent

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] Come here! (The first update ~ please subscribe)

In the amusement park, in front of the roller coaster, the safety rails are completely corroded, the wind clucks, and the rails are better, but also crumbling.

This place has apparently been abandoned for more than ten years.

But the weird thing is that the roller coasters inside are running one after another in an orderly manner, and at the entrance, there is also a conductor with a cap and bowed head, his head almost lowered to his chest .

There was no one in front of him, but the conductor seemed extremely busy checking the tickets.

In the corner of a building outside, nine people looked at this strange scene, and their expressions were slightly gloomy.

"According to the result of the lottery just now, Lu Meng and Zhang Qiu are going to attract the evil spirits inside, while we are looking for obsessions and at the same time take out the spirit medicine in the center,"

A man with an inch head said solemnly: "No objection."

On the ground under the roller coaster track, a plant that emits shimmering light in the dark night is eye-catching.

This paradise is full of ghosts' resentment, yin, etc., and it is easy to produce elixir.

"Brother Zuo, do you have to take the obsession?"

Zhang Qiu's face was ugly: "Wait for others to take risks, can't we just be honest?"

Cuntou Zuoge, looked at Zhang Qiu coldly: "You want to violate the agreement just now and want to cheat us"

The rest.

His eyes became dangerous, and he looked at Zhang Qiu.

Good things to say before the draw.

0 Those who are drawn want to go back.

It would undoubtedly harm the public interest.

"No, no, don't get me wrong."

Zhang Qiu hurriedly waved his hand: "It's just that I think, let's honestly look for the elixir, why are the mysterious items not good? Why do you have to be so stupid and risk your life to grab the obsession?"

"Did others find enough things, can the train not let us go?"

Zhang Qiu muttered.

"You know shit!"

Brother Zuo said coldly: "You think that the obsession is just to make the train speed up and leave such a simple thing. In the fog behind, it is the thing that saves the lives of every carriage."

Another sturdy little giant, two meters four or five, also looked at Zhang Qiu with a bad face: "You are so slick, you didn't know what the ghosts said in the car before and left the first area. There will be monsters that cannot be defeated, and only by throwing out the obsession can they be led away, otherwise they will rush into the carriage and kill everyone!"

The rest of the people also turned towards Zhang Qiu.

Seems like he's about to make a move.

Zhang Qiu's face was gloomy, but he didn't dare to provoke public anger.

He had to greet him: "Let's go, Lu Meng, it seems that everyone must let us go to die."

He was very reluctant.

A baby-faced girl wearing a cyan sweater and a pair of thick-rimmed glasses.

'Oh' a sound.

Dumbly walked up.

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