Zhang Qiu deliberately slowed down and let Lu Meng be in front, and the two walked over.

A strange red light flashed under the conductor's visor, and he said enthusiastically, "You two, please come in quickly, everyone can't wait any longer."


Lu Meng pushed the frame: "No need to wait."

The conductor smiled sullenly: "I can't wait to start, the roller coaster, hurry up and get on it."

His voice was weird.

It seemed to be something stuck in his throat, a little vague.

Zhang Qiu had a sullen face, and Lu Meng got on the roller coaster. There were only the two of them in the car, but there were whispers all around, as if there were many people sitting, and the temperature on the car was strangely low.

The two-level ability person, whose physical strength is dozens of times that of ordinary people, actually felt a tinge of gloom.

"How do I feel that there are more than two of us sitting here"

Lu Meng murmured.

Zhang Qiu gave her a cold look.

Such a brainless person deserves to be cannon fodder.

The 'Boom Boom Rumble' roller coaster started quickly.

Rush to a few vertices, and then fall down very quickly.

During this process, the two capable people were always indifferent, and with their physical fitness, to this degree, they didn't feel any fear at all.

Can be used as a roller coaster to reach the highest peak.

With a 'click' sound.

Stop abruptly.

Seems to be a malfunction.

The expressions of the two men suddenly changed.

"No, these... ghosts, we have to do it."

Zhang Qiu said gloomily.

At this time, a gust of gloomy wind blew through and rolled up a lot of fog. On the roller coaster, the visibility was extremely low. In addition, it was night, and the two of them could hardly see the scene half a meter away.

Zhang Qiu's eyes sank, and he waved his hand to summon a ball of flames the size of a basketball.

Fire shines.

The surroundings became clear.

And glanced over.

The two suddenly felt that their breathing was stagnant, and their hearts were about to jump out.

The seats next to them are actually full of people! These people's bodies are all broken, blood dripping, and extremely hideous. Some people's heads are directly retracted into their stomachs. It seems that when they fall from a high altitude, some people's intestines are flowing It may have been pierced by something sharp in the belly.

See the eyes of the two.

All the 'people' laughed grimly and let out a miserable howl.

"Save us, we are so miserable"

"The roller coaster is going down, help me!"

"You are too indifferent, why don't you want to help us?"

"Die instead of me, okay?"


All the dead, all of them looked at the two living people coldly, with mournful howls from their mouths, and stretched out their hands one by one, as if they wanted to bury the two of them and die instead.

Meanwhile, the roller coaster is slowly inclining.

The rails crackled and cracked inch by inch.

With a 'boom' sound.

The roller coaster completely overturned.

Those... dead people, all looked at the two people coldly, expecting them to be smashed.

Let them experience the same experience as yourself.

When the roller coaster falls into the air.

Zhang Qiu suddenly punched out, wrapped in violent flames, directly smashing the center of the roller coaster, and the two broke away from the restraints of the table and chairs.

Lu Meng snorted softly, and a rattan stick was stretched out from the bushes below, woven into a rattan net.

The two fell.

The rattan net firmly 797 caught him.


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